seven | flights

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"How do you eat your cereal with ice?!" I squealed in disbelief as he put his bowl underneath the ice dispenser.

"Oh, I don't put ice in my cereal," Maizon's face went blank and I couldn't understand his actions.

"Then what'd you get ice for?"

"So I could put it down your shirt!" Without thinking, I dashed out of the kitchen. If I were thinking, I'd realize that Maizon was six feet and three inches tall, while I stood at five feet and four inches. There was no hope in running to safety.

The glacial pieces came in contact with the back of my neck which made me hiss and halt against the nearest wall. Maizon tossed several more chunks down my shirt and left me ice cold and shivering in summer weather.

I pulled my shirt over my head and opted on flaunting a sports bra since he would continue to try to freeze me.

Caught off guard, Maizon pulled my body to his, his chest connected to my back. His warm skin contrasted with my own frigid exterior. His light skin visually contrasted with my darker skin. Our heights contrasted, our backgrounds contrasted. We were a contrast within ourselves.

He laid a soft single kiss to the base of the back of my neck. It was a sweet gesture that calmed my shivers. "I've been trying to get you out of that damn shirt," he mumbled and ran his soft hands across my tummy.

"Why? Do you want it back?" I whispered. I was too afraid that if my voice was loud enough it was break this moment.


"Then what?"

"I wan—, never mind. Put the shirt on," he mumbled and pushed me away from him. His whole demeanor had changed and he went stoic again.

"I have somewhere to be," Maizon stepped aside and walked out of the house without looking back.

"IT'S BEEN FOUR DAYS?!" Olivia screeched through the phone. I pulled my phone away and rubbed my ear. The lungs on that girl!

"I don't know, girl. Four days is like forever. He could've moved on and found another girl already!" Madison piped in and she was not confident that all was well.

"It's only four days. Besides, if he's going to ignore me, he's gonna have to make an excuse not to be in the car tomorrow," I played with my nails and hoped to put some false confidence in my voice. It was just four days, how much could've changed? "You know what? We leave for Havonian court tomorrow and nothing can stop that."

One hour. It was all it took to rearrange the train wreck I woke up with. My hair held soft windswept curls and my navy and gold uniform was adorned with our court's crest.

I sat at the island in the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice while Miss Grace slid me a plate of pancakes.

"I'm going to miss you, Grecyn. You were much like a daughter to me."

"I'll miss you too, Miss Grace." Miss Grace helped me out the door, but not before she gathered my luggage by the door for the driver to take.

The flag-decorated limo glistened in the morning light and I smiled. Grecyn Belle Beauregard is returning home. I slid inside, where five boys sat chatting until my presence was known. A simple glimpse of me and the conversation went quiet.

Something was off, but I couldn't place it. No one murmured a "good morning" nor a greeting. They all stared out the tinted windows, avoiding my gaze. All except for Jaxton. He smirked evilly while his eyes never left me.

I looked over at Easton for answers, but he only glances at me slightly before turning away.

"What? Did I forget to put on makeup or something?"

"No Princess, you look amazing." Jaxton smiled sweetly and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I then glanced at Maizon, who had no trouble avoiding me. He wore a crisp suit, but his tie loosely hung around his neck. I hesitated to reach over and fix it. He must've caught my motion because he fixed it himself. Some shit went on and I of all people didn't know of it.

"Fine," I huffed to myself. We can play games, I'm great at games.

We concluded the ride to the airport in silence with the occasional pokes from Jaxton. When we arrived, the airport was surrounded by news reporters and paparazzi. They were lined cheek to cheek with cameras pointed at the car.

The boys all stepped out first and shielded their eyes from the flashes. Jaxton offered me his hand, which I took. He gently pulled me from the seat and linked our arms.

"I wonder who leaked the day the Royals were planned to head back home," Jaxton smirked and tossed his hair to the side.

"You little bastard!" I laughed at his plan to bring attention to himself. He always loved a dramatic exit.

"So when your parents see the pictures across social media, they'll see you laughing and clinging to the Prince of England instead of some American. You're welcome,"

"Do you have to make everything related to Maizon?"

"Only when it comes to you."

"Oh my god, I think I'm gonna die," Nate groaned from his seat and let his magazine fall on his face.

"It's only been ten hours, calm down," I rolled my eyes and turned back to the extensive list of things my mother sent me to look over before returning to court. She wanted me to know which ambassadors were at court and whom to appeal to upon arrival.

"Livingston will be there to discuss the plans to support further Havonian expansion. Appealing to the courtship rumors will sway him towards convincing my father to support it."

"Why are you so persistent on appealing to those rumors? They were made by tabloids that have a reputation for putting out false information to hurt the crown," I turned to the next page and scanned the notes as Jaxton sighed.

"My job is to protect you, and if taking advantage of some rumors will do that, then so be it. Our enemies aren't going to strike if they believe the two strongest countries are aligning."

"If you're to protect me, then what am I to do for you?" I turned to face him as he laid beside me.

"Ask your mother," He smiled lightly and resumed his Netflix show.

I thumbed the corner of the page until I noticed a folded sheet in between the next pages. The letter was sealed with green wax, meaning it was a private letter for my eyes only from my mother.

Stealthily, I slid the letter into my sleeve and excused myself to the bathroom.

I picked at the seal and unfolded my mother's letter.

My darling Grecyn,
Your father's excuse to call you back to court is not the truth. There is something we must discuss immediately and without your father. Discard this after reading.
All my love,

Without a second thought, I tore the letter to shreds and flushed it down the toilet. None of the boys suspected a thing when I returned to my seat.


"Yes?" Maizon looked up at me, then beside me to where Jaxton was watching a new episode.

"Why have you been so distant lately?" I couldn't help but have memories of the day he left my house and ignored me since.

"Jaxton was mentioning that when you return to court, you're not going to be the same Grecyn I know. He said things are going to change when we expect it least and if I want to protect the both of us, it's better if I put some distance between us now before we're forced to," Maizon stuck his headphone back into his ear and faced forward before closing his eyes.

Two hours to go.

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