fifteen | metamorphasis

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Nate spent several nights in my room over the next few weeks. It was just a causal thing, nothing more than sex to keep my head on straight and to relieve my stress.

Today I cleared my schedule to spend time with my father. The odds were in his favor as he seemed to be improving. He could speak today, his pain was manageable, and he actually smiled when I entered his room.

"Good morning, Princess," he smiled at gently kissed my hand before I sat in a chair next to his bed.

"Hi papa, so Nate was telling me about this show on Netflix called The Umbrella Academy, and it's right up your alley so I thought we'd binge it today! I've got chips and stuff for me and fruit and veggie chips for you," I pulled all of the food that I had asked Paolo to gather for me.

He chuckled at my choice of food for him. He was in no position to be eating junk food, so I would handle it for the both of us. Besides, veggie chips are good... sorta.

I started the show and got comfortable, feeling the happiest I'd been in a long time.

I couldn't imagine myself without my father. I'd be so lost without him. My mother was kind and compassionate, but my father was my soulmate. Whenever I cried as a child I always ran for my father. He was always busy as King, but he was my father first.

Everyone once in a while when he thought I wasn't paying attention, he'd sneak a chip or a small piece of candy. He had no reason to worry about me catching him because if the nurses caught him they'd throw a serious fit.

We got to episode six before he had dosed off. By then I had joined him under the covers and rested my head against his chest. His heartbeat was strong and I hoped every beat gave me an extra day. I was not ready to lose him, nor was I ready to be Queen.

Halfway through the day his doctor and to check in on him and administer medications. They found no reason to wake him and left us in silence.

"Grecyn, princess, I'd like you do meet someone!" My father had tried to get me to come out from behind his legs. I refused to unwrap myself from his calf but did peek around it to see a brown eyed boy staring back at me. I waved to him but shied away when I noticed his parents' gaze upon me.

"Grecyn, my name is Alexandria. I would love to meet you," the blonde woman bent down to my level and offered a hand. She was warm, inviting and seemed safe. I hesitated before leaving the safety of my father's legs and giving her the biggest hug my four year old self could handle.

I looked up at her face as she smiled at me, then raised a hand to the small tiara that floated on her sunkissed hair.

"Are you a Queen?" I asked and my hands flew to my mouth, then away as I remembered a scolding I was given for the bad habit.

"Yes, just like your mommy is! Can I introduce you to a new friend?" She pushed a curl behind my ear and I nodded, deciding this new woman was trustworthy. "Grecyn, this is Jaxton."

Jaxton had come forward to greet me, but wasn't fond of the hug I had given at first. As we spent more time together throughout our childhood, he would expect nothing less than a hug to say hello.

"You've got everything, right? Passport, snacks, all the works," my father stood on the tarmac as Nate and Sebastian boarded the private jet.

"Yes, Dad I have everything. You don't need to worry so much, I'll be okay. I'll call everyday if you'd like," I smiled and gave him another massive hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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