six | condoms

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"Hey, Grey. Sorry I uh, left you like that yesterday." Jaxton murmured as he ran a hand through his curly brown hair.

"It's okay!" I chirped, trying to sound sincere but Jaxton being several feet from my room where Maizon slept was nerve racking.

At least it wasn't my father, right?

"Do you want to go get ice cream or something?"

"Later, ya know, cause it's like seven AM and I really want to go back to bed uh, because I don't feel well!" My lies were becoming transparent but he just nodded and walked back down the stairs to leave.

Quietly as possible, I slid back into my room where Maiz still slept. I placed myself back where it all began, but I didn't sleep. I instead let my eyes trace his soft skin and hard features in the morning light. His jaw was sharp but his cheeks were soft, and his lips were the shade of pink you'd find on a rare seashell on the beach. His eyelashes were brown, reminding me that his hair wasn't naturally the sunny color. I would've thought he was an angel if I knew better.

"Why are you staring at me?" he mumbled sleepily as his squinted his oceanic eyes.

"Well, why are you in my bed?" I retorted as I tried to recover from the embarrassment.

"You begged me to stay," This was just adding to it instead.

"Princess Grecyn Belle Beauregard doesn't not beg." I cried in mortification. He rubbed his face with his hand and then swiped it down my face as well. When I gave him a confusing look he said,

"Your alter ego was showing through, Grey. You use Grecyn to put yourself above people and to protect the softer you."

"I do no—, whatever!" I denied it and pushed him out of my bed. Bullshit, all the way.

Out of nowhere, Maizon jumped up onto the bed. I tried to run from his attack but he yanked me back and pinned me to the bed. Just the feeling of his hips joining mine had my body in a blaze. It took all of my strength not to tear my eyes away from his gaze to look at his muscles. I knew that if I dared to look at his body, I'd regret the consequences.

His eyes began to flutter shut while he leaned in. I was meeting him halfway but then I suddenly turned away.

"What's wrong?" he whispered, still crouched in a push up position.

"I'm not ready, not yet. I can't do this," I sighed. I recognized the resemblance to Jaxton's words.

Maizon didn't say anything, but left a chaste kiss on my neck and got out of bed. He pulled his phone out of his jeans from the floor and glanced at it. He sighed and pulled at his hair. He then grabbed his jeans and pulled them on, along with his socks, sweatshirt, and shoes.

"Where are you going?" I asked him with a small voice. Maizon looked over at me with a forlorn expression.

Was it because I didn't kiss him?

"If you're that stunning with bed head, I wonder how ravishingly you'd look with sex hair. And keep the shirt, you look cute in my clothes." Maizon left me dumbfounded in my bed wondering if he had dressed me himself.

I had no time to go ask. I had things to do. Departure was catching up to us and in a week's time, we'd be conversing in the halls of Beauregard Palace. I had to somehow make Maizon worthy of dining with kings.

"Are you sure?" I asked Easton as he helped me fold the sheets from the laundry. He nodded quietly and continued.

"Why wouldn't he show up? Did he say anything about why he wasn't there?" I pushed, trying to make East talk. He was a quiet kid but he'd do anything for me.

Royally RichWhere stories live. Discover now