ten | dibs

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***** WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content and viewer discretion is advised.*****

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course I do, I'm crazy about you."

"You sure this isn't about getting back at Jaxton?"

"No, I promise,"

The conversation I had before losing my virginity replayed in my mind. It was one of the few times I had been vulnerable with someone. Every memory from ever sexual act I had done tingled across my skin like static electricity. I could feel the happenings, even a year later. Yet I had forgotten the overwhelming desire that comes over oneself.

The type of desire that makes walking impossible, any human touch blinding, and thoughts become a maze. I was drowning in this pre-sex desire when Jaxton slid into my room. He closed the door softly before resting on his back on it.

"Do you really want to do this? Tell me now because once I touch you, I don't know if I could ever walk away," I nodded my head, unable to speak with his presence in the room.

He dashed across the room, connecting our lips as he laid me on my bed. He hastened to pull his shirt over his head and tear the buttons off mine to access more skin.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this," Jaxton mumbled kisses down my chest, toying with my lavender lace bralette. "I care about you so fucking much, Grecyn."

Jaxton yanked my jeans off, then his before laying on top of me. The kisses we shared were needy and long overdue. I had wanted Jaxton before, when he turned his cheek for other girls. I turned my cheek for Maizon when Jaxton wanted me. And now all we had were each other.

I attached my lips to Jax's neck, starting what would become a dark hickey. He moaned as the blood vessels broke, bruising the delicate skin. I had been too busy to notice that Jaxton had continued to rid my body of any coverings and slip a condom over his length.

"Are you sure that you're sure?" Jaxton mumbled against my cheek. He held himself up by his strong arms, muscles lightly veiled in sweat.

"Yes, I promise."

The feeling of his filling me was so foreign and unfamiliar. He whimpered lightly in my ear as he pushed all the way inside of me.

"I don't know if I can handle this," Jaxton mumbled as he kissed my jaw. The muscles throughout his body flexed as he started a rhythm. I moved my hands to his back trace the continuous movements.

Jaxton intertwined our lips again, but this time with a need only I could fulfill. I felt as if I were suffocating already, and the kiss took the last of my breath. I was quickly becoming fatigued, though Jaxton never let up on his relentless pace. Jaxton has had plenty of practice and was showing off his work.

I felt my heartbeat pick up an uncontrollable place as my stomach tied itself in knots. I lost control of my muscles, allowing them to twitch and shake at will. I knew what was coming and so did Jaxton.

He sat up to gain a new leverage, bringing his large hands to my hips. The new pace he started was sloppy yet desperate for a release. He continued through my groaning with my teeth clenched into a pillow as mine smothered my body in waves of immense heat. His was advancing soon after, and when his body broke, his hands marked my hips with the force of his own orgasm.

"I'm so sorry," Jaxton mumbled as he covered us with the sheets after coming down from his high. I was already weary, exhausted from the sinful events.

"Sorry for what?"

"Everything," he kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to his naked body before falling asleep.

The sun shone through my curtains the next morning, harshly waking me from my well needed rest. I turned my back to the morning light to an empty bed. Jaxton wasn't here. It was only nine in the morning and I concluded it wasn't because I had slept too late.

I ignored the rest of my jumping conclusions and pushed my covers back. My body was begging for a shower, so I went to the bathroom and let the hot water run. I caught sight of my body in the mirror, noting the external damage of the night's events.

My skin was covered in bruises, ranging in size and color. His handprints were marked on my hips, large purplish marks that hurt whenever I walked. Hickeys that needed concealer adorned my chest and neck.

I touched a particularly large bruise on my left shoulder. I could almost feel Jaxton's teeth nibbling on the skin.

I pushed away the feeling and stepped into the shower. The water beat the scratches on my back, stinging slightly in the deeper ones. I sighed as my muscles unwound from the disappointment.

After my shower, I went to the kitchen hoping I could have something made for breakfast.

"Your Royal Highness, what would you like for breakfast, sweetheart?" Paolo asked as he pulled a chair out for me at the breakfast bar.

"I'm not quite sure today," I pondered over the vast possibilities.

"I could make your favorite, chocolate chip pancakes. I always keep a fresh bag of chocolate around here, even when you were in the States," Paolo didn't bother waiting for a response knowing I'd never turn down my favorite.

I swiveled in the chair, turning toward the ajar door that led to the hallway. Maizon had came through, nose buried into his phone before he looked up at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here. I'll come back later," he began to turn on his heel when I stopped him.

"Please don't go!"

"Why should I stay?"

"I know things are confusing right now but... but I miss you," I watched as his immediate aggression towards me calmed, replaced by curiosity.

"I don't want to play games, Grecyn. I'm not going to let myself get hooked on you, loving you, sexing you, just for you to marry yourself off to Jaxton," Maizon inched closer to me with every word, trapping me in between his body and the table as he finished. "What are you even marrying him for? You're only seventeen, you have a whole life and a kingdom waiting for you."

"I can explain everything if you go horseback riding with me," I stared into his blue eyes hoping he'd agree. He muttered a confirmation before hastily leaving the kitchen.

"Ah so that's the American the maids were gushing over. I guess I should tell them you called dibs already!"

"Paolo!" I yelled in shock as he slid the fresh pancakes my way.

But I guess I kinda already did.

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