three | baby boy

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I pounded on the gas pedal and blasted past Nate, who always swore he was a better driver than me. He was currently trying to turn his kart around after he had spun out. I was blowing dust up from the track and momentarily looked over to the smaller track where Jaxton was getting Maizon settled into his kart. How cute.

While staring over at Maizon, Sebastian and Easton had snuck up on each side of my racing kart. They closed in on either side, hoping to spin me out but I slammed on my brakes and they crashed into each other instead.

Sebastian quickly regained control of his kart, and fought me for dominance of the last lap. We were soon approaching where I could see Maizon and Jaxton again, and I reminded myself to stay focused but as soon as I caught sight of Maizon from the corner of my eye, it was over.

Sebastian jerked his kart into mine, sending me spinning off road and into a ditch.

"Are you serious right now?!" I yelled from inside of my pink helmet. I beat my steering wheel in frustration as Sebastian crossed the finish line just a hundred and fifty feet ahead.

So close to winning again, just to lose it because of Maizon.

"Grey!" Someone called. I saw Maizon running over and toss his helmet to the ground with Jaxton just walking some distance behind him.

Maizon grabbed my glove clad hand and pulled me from the exhausted kart. Then he took my helmet from my head and threw it near his.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" He frantically pulled off my gloves and pushed on each finger to check for injuries.

"I'm fine," I groaned as Sebastian strutted over with a victory smile on his face.

"Are you sure?" He made me look him in the eyes. That was the moment when I realized that his eyes weren't just blue. They has little green flecks that were scattered randomly and they created an image that resembled the galaxy in shades of blue.

And just to add to his looks, messy helmet hair was just working for him in that light.

"I don't think we'll go go-karting again for a while. We all should get home, right Grey?" Jaxton announced as he took me by the arm to lead the pack back to the track supervisor.

Once we got home, the boys ordered pizza, but I had finished first and headed upstairs to take a hot shower.

I was hoping it would wash away all of the accidental butterflies I was starting to feel for Maizon.

Not the time and definitely not the right person. A princess couldn't be with anyone who was titled anything less than a Duke.

Stepping back into my room after my shower, I found Jaxton laying in my bed.

"Go say goodnight to the others, they're leaving but your father asked me to stay," I obeyed and walked out to the balcony over the main foyer. Sebastian, Nate, and Easton had slipped out of the door and already heading towards their cars.

"Maizon," I called out as the blond boy had his hand on the handle.


"I just wanted to say goodnight,"

"Goodnight! Don't get yourself stuck in any ditches while I'm gone, and thanks for remembering my name this time," He laughed before closing the door behind him.

"I told him that you were fine but he insisted that he go get you," Jaxton mumbled as he trapped me between the railing and his body. I twisted around so I could face him even though I was only as tall as his chest.

"He was just being nice,"

"He's really into you."

"He was just being nice. Why can't a guy be nice to a girl?" I defended him and crossed my arms. Jaxton looked down at me with an eyebrow raised and an unpleasant expression.

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