Chapter 1: He's too much (edited)

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Jungkook's P.O.V
"Jungkook are you feeling better?" Jin hyung asked as I walked into the kitchen.

I flinched as the memory of yesterday came flooding back into my head. I flushed in shame and embarrassment, as I felt everyone's eyes on me.

I was upset when Jimin had announced that he had a girlfriend and left before dinner to meet her last night. I got annoyed at dinner when Tae hyung kept bringing her up and finally I had, had enough and banged my plate on the table and left to go to my room with tears running down my cheeks.

I was sure everyone must have been surprised at my outburst, since I was always the quiet one. Jin hyung came after me and I explained everything to him, and surprisingly he did make me feel a little better with his gentle words.

I had cried the whole night after that, even after Jimin came back to our dorm after his date with his girlfriend and went to bed. I had to keep my sniffing quiet because I didn't want him to wake up and ask questions or be worried.

"What happened to Jungkook?" Jimin hyung asked, worry etched in his voice.

"Jungkook smashe-" Taehyung hyung started and I panicked.

"Nothing! Hahha nothing happened yesterday." I said, stopping V hyung from talking

"Yah I'm your hyung! You can't just interrupt me like that. This kid and manners." He joked and let the topic slide thankfully. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Jungkook what do you want to eat? We have dance practice so you better eat something." Jin hyung eyed me sternly before I could object.

"A toast will be fine hyung." I sighed, giving in to him. Honestly speaking I wasn't feeling like eating anything. My heart clenched painfully, and my mood dropped even more. I slumped further into my seat, willing myself not to cry.

"Here you go." He said cheerfully and handed me a plate with toast stacked on top. My eyes widened at the amount.

"Jungkookie, what happened yesterday?" Jimin asked again and I flinched.

"N-nothing h-hyung seriously." I silently cursed myself for stuttering and stuffed my face with the bread that was in front of me so that he didn't ask anymore questions.

While eating our breakfast Jimin wouldn't stop peering at me closely with his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. I thanked God when it was time to leave, feeling incredibly uncomfortable.

I got into the car and instead of sitting next to Jimin and V hyung at the back like I always did, I sat next to Jin hyung in the middle of the van instead. He gave me a reassuring smile and gave my hand a soft squeeze, like he was telling me everything's going to be okay. I smiled at him feeling slightly better.

We made our way into the dance studio and practiced our choreography to our newest song that was soon going to be released, just like we had done millions of times before.

"Jungkook what about you?" Namjoon hyung asked me, once we were finally granted a rest from our choreographer.

"Huh?" I asked, snapping out of my daze, why was I so tired? I asked myself. Maybe because you cried all night, idiot. My conscience replied back and I mentally slapped myself.

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