Chapter 4: He hurt me (edited)

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I'm back!! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed it. I appreciate all feedback.❤️

Jungkook's P.O.V
As soon as his lips were off of mine, I heaved in deep breaths of air, trying to avoid eye contact with Jimin as much as possible. However, that was short lived, when Jimin lifted my chin up, forcing my eyes to meet his mesmerising ones that I seemed to always get lost in.

"I w-wan't to go home." I stuttered, moving my gaze away to focus on the floor instead.

"You can't," Jimin said, making my heart drop, "You have to get the steps right first." He then let go of my chin, and I sighed in relief as he took a step away from me, which allowed me to finally relax...only a little bit though.

"But I want to go home." I said again, this time not stuttering as much, but my voice still came out soft.

"Jungkook." Jimin sighed, "Get these steps right first." I nodded my head, sadly, and took my first position, Jimin observing me as I did so.

Not only did his eyes roaming me make my heart rate pick up, but also made my knees weak, causing me to fall on the floor. Once my body hit the hard wood floor, of our dance room, Jimin sighed again.

He would have usually immediately helped me up without any hesitations, but his actions this time round made me confused. He just stood there in front of me, his arms crossed in front of his chest, looking down and frowning at me.

"Get up." he said annoyedly. I was both hurt and confused at his harsh tone. He kisses me and now acts like a total douche. Not only did he cheat, but I had clearly stated that I didn't want him to kiss me! So it wasn't my fault.

"I'm sorry, you can g-go back to the dorm if y-you wan't. I can practice by myself." I said, hoping it'll make him happier, however his expression turned more sour than it was before.

"Just fucking hurry up Jungkook. We'll both get into trouble if you don't learn this by tomorrow." He huffed, turning to go start the music, to our song.

I sighed softly, but listened to his words and got to my position once again. I started dancing, trying my best to pretend that Jimin wasn't there with me, watching my every move, so that I wouldn't get distracted.

I was nearly through the whole song, when Jimin stopped me abruptly, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "You're doing it wrong again." He said, stopping the music and coming to stand behind me. "Put your hand here and lift it up like this," he showed me, by taking me hand in his and lifted it up for me, "And make sure your legs are in this position, so it's easier then to go to the next step." I listened to his words carefully and compiled his words, when he let go of me. "That's it. Now just do that and you're finished."

I nodded my head and smiled at him, but he ignored it and went to turn the music back on, making heart feel heavy. Jimin did really hate me, I thought sadly.

I kept on continuing to make more mistakes, while Jimin was growing more angrier with me. "What's the matter with you?" He suddenly shouted, making me pause drinking water, during the two minute break he had allowed me to face. I flinched.

"I'm sorr-" I started but he cut me off.

"That doesn't change anything." He shouted in frustration, "You're not usually like this. You should have got the steps by now. Why do you keep making so many mistakes? Are you doing it on purpose?"

"W-what d-do you mean?" I stuttered, confused at his harsh words.

"Stop doing that!"

"D-Doing what?" I asked, my eyes were starting to water, making me want to cry. I suddenly craved one of Jin hyung's hugs. Why was Jimin being so harsh all of a sudden?

"Pouting at me. It makes me feel guilty for even saying anything mean to you. It makes me want to fucking kiss you again and I don't even know why." He said, running his hands through his hair in frustration. My eyes widened at his surprising words. Jimin wanted to kiss me? Surly he was just messing with me, I thought with a sigh.

I quickly got up and made my way over to the door, suddenly wanting to get out of the room, as I started to tear up and I didn't want Jimin to see me cry again.

Why was he suddenly being so mean to as to even mess with my feelings, by pretending to want to kiss me?!

Jimin however stopped me before I could get a step out the door by pulling my arm back, causing me to hit his chest with a thud.

"Please let go of me." I said, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"You have to finish the dance first." Came his calm reply. How was he so calm even when he was so close to me?

My chest suddenly felt tight, and my tears fell rapidly from my eyes, causing me to pull my arm out of his tight grip as best as I could, but he wouldn't let go. "Why are you crying now?" He sighed and lifted my chin with his other hand, making our eyes meet.

I never answered him, which pissed him off and his grip turned tighter on my arm. "Jungkook, I'm sorry okay." He sighed, still angry with me no doubt, "Let's just go back home."

"B-But, I need to get the steps right," I said stubbornly, "You go, I'll stay here."

"No, we are both going or we are both staying." He stated, " You choose."

"I-" I was cut off by my phone ringing from my bag, making me sigh internally in relief. I immediately walked over to my bag, once Jimin had let go of my arm, and brought my phone to my ear, answering with a quiet and timid "hello?".

"Jungkook?" Jin hyung's voice came from the other end of the line, instantly making me feel at ease. I quickly wiped away my tears and smiled. " Why aren't you back yet? Your dinner's ready, I made your favourite, chicken pasta."

"I'm still practicing hyung." I replied, my mouth watering at the mention of chicken pasta. It was my absolute favourite, but sadly Jin hyung didn't make it often enough, as he thought we all needed more vegetables.

"Still? But it's so late. Give the phone to Jimin, I want to talk to him." Jimin hyung sounded annoyed, making me tense.

"But hyung-" I saturated to whine, knowing he was probably going to tell Jimin off for staying back so long.

"Right now Jungkook." He demanded.

"Okay hyung." I pouted, even though he couldn't see me and made my way over to Jimin who had been staring at me annoyedly. I lifted my phone up for him to take, and he snatched it from my hand, our fingers brushing together briefly, making my skin tingle. "It's Jin hyung. He wanted to talk to you." I said, making him nod his head in understanding.

"Yes hyung." He answered. "No it's not like he just won't get the steps right." Jimin sighed and I assumed they were talking about me. "I know he needs to eat, I'm trying my best here. Hyung, he's not getting it is that my fault?" Okay ouch that hurt. "I'm tired too...fine we'll be there in about fifteen minutes." With that he ended the call, and handed my phone back to me. "Come on, we're going home." He said the to me, picking up his bag, that was directly across from mine.

"You can, I'll stay here and practice-" I was cut off by an annoyed Jimin...what a surprise, I thought sarcastically to myself.

"No, we are going together, so don't even think about it. I don't want Jin hyung to get mad at me because I left you by yourself." He dragged. So that's why he didn't want to leave me behind...because he didn't want Jin hyung to get annoyed at him. Of course, why did I think it was because he cared about me?

I hope you enjoyed that brief chapter. Comment and vote...I appreciate everything. Love you all and have a goon week end. Oh, and who else is oppressed with Pentagon's new song?? I literally can't listen to anything else. Hahah❤️

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