Part 15

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(Andddd.. finish! This is the last chapter for this story which is now completed so I won't really update it anymore.. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it! Ohh and,it'd be even more cuter if you listen to the song while reading this chapter~ That's all! Enjoy~)

3rd person's POV

'Walk fast and ignore everyone else.. especially a CERTAIN SOMEONE'

Jihoon said to himself over and over again as he lower his head while looking around,trying to see if people are looking at him. After taking his book from his locker,he head towards his class. Once he sat down on an empty seat at the back of the class,he looks around some more before sighing in relief.

"I REALLY hope he doesn't come to school today.. or at least he skip classes today.. please oh please dear g-"
"I'm here you know.."

Jihoon jumped in suprise before turning his head slowly.


"That's a rude thing to say to someone who just save you yesterday.."

Jihoon bit his lips before standing up,about to walk away but stop when Soonyoung stood in front of him thus blocking him from going anywhere.

"Where are you going? Leaving me again?"

"Yes.. I want to stay away from you,a thousand miles if I can.."

"... Wow,that actually hurts.."

Jihoon glares at the other before pushing him aside and walk towards another empty seat at the opposite side of Soonyoung. Soonyoung on the other hand shock his head before walking towards a seat that was empty which was really close to Jihoon's.

"..... Go away...."


Jihoon groans and decided to ignore him. But no one ignore Soonyoung. No one.



"... Kwon Soonyoung give me back my book"


"Soonyoung what are you doing??"





~ During recess ~

As soon as the bell rang,Jihoon quickly grab his stuff and ran outside. He sigh in relief when he doesn't see the 'certain someone' following him. He sigh again before sitting down on the floor.

"That... Aish! He's messing with my head,really!"

After 10 minutes of ranting,Jihoon stood up and was about to walk to the cafeteria when he felt someone grabbing his wrist. He silently whine and pray it wasn't Soonyoung.

It's Soonyoung. Great.

"I told you to stop following me.."

".... Make me"


Jihoon pulls his hand from Soonyoung's grip before running away. Of course,the blonde will follow.





Jihoon slows down before stopping completely. He then turn around to face Soonyoung who was standing a few feets away from him.


"Look.. I know it was suppose to be a dare and stuff.."

Soonyoung took a step forward.

"I told myself it WAS a dare,nothing serious.. that you're just some random person for the dare but.."

He took another step forward. Jihoon bit his lower lips a little.

"It's not anymore.. You just somehow.."

He lift the pink haired boy's chin up before whispering.

"Made me fall in love with you.."

And with that,he brushes his lips against Jihoon who was shock by the sudden confession. When he pulled away,he smile when he sees how red Jihoon face is.

"Sure,my fangirls are crazy but don't worry.."

He smiles and links his hand around Jihoon's.

"I'll always be your Knight in Shining Armor!"

And with that, Soonyoung earn a smack on the head by Jihoon. Soonyoung grins when he sees Jihoon smiling while unconsiously linking his hand around Soonyoung's.

"I knew you liked me~"

"Shut up"

~ Meanwhile ~


"Yah Seungkwan,shut up! They're gonna hear us!"


"But they're just SO cute together!!"

" I always wonder why I'm surrounded by idiots 24/7"

"That's mean Jisoo hyung ;_; "

" Anyhow,now that those two are together.. who's the next pairing?"

".... Either JiHan or JeongCheol"

"What?! Why am I the victim?!?"

"Admit it.. Both of them likes you Jeonghan hyung"

"Psshh please.."


It was suppose to be a dare (Seventeen SoonHoon Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ