Chapter One (School)

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Your P.O.V.

Haha , hey !! Ahem so intro , intro , my name's (F/N)(L/N). I'd say I'm normal but at the same time i wouldn't say I'm normal ? you guess it , i am not . Well being a teenager , it's kinda normal to be either an outrovert or an introvert , I'm both i guess ? But i wouldn't talk about my personal life much , because there's nothing talk about . At least nothing interesting .. Wondering where my parents are ? They're dead , gone , not breathing , heart stoppe- okay you get the point . How they died ? Oh yes , here's that upcoming flashback of what happened 5 years ago .


It was around 3pm , just a regular afternoon , with me on the floor and pencil in hand , motioning it on that blank piece of paper , trying to draw something which at least looked decent to me . I was still a child , about 11 , but I still had that "perfectionist" type of attitude . This was a norm for me because a favourite hobby of mine was to draw . I was really into Art and it always intrests me and arouses my creativity to create something nice or beautiful . And finally, after around an hour, I finally drew something which looked like a duck somehow ? Anyways it looked okay to me so I took my colour pencils and coloured it . I was excited to show my parents what I've drawn because it looked real cool (to me at least heh.) , maybe i could've even made a story about it or even a joke , who knows ? I hurridly scrambled down the stairs and saw both of my parents lying motionlessly on the wooden floor. My immediate thought and reaction was as a child ,"Were they playing with me ?" But soon I realised that the truth was more sinister . You see , my parents were quite high in the rankings in town . We weren't in poverty neither were we rich . But we had it quite well off and that's not what everyone (at least in the town we live in) can feel . Mostly everyone was poor and had to work tough labour to earn just a handful of salary . So i wouldn't be surprised if people hated us or envied us but we never had any sort of trouble with it . No one was bold enough to maie an arguement about it . But the thing I've feared for so long just happened in one moment . The horror and sorrow I felt couldn't even be explained in words .

"Mommy..? Daddy..? Please tell me you're okay..please..." Hot tears started running down my cheeks and my face started puffing up as I realised I lost them .

The only way i could describe the gruesome scene was how my mother's poor lifeless body was possibly stabbed multiple times as i observed the holes in her torso with the tears blurring out my vision to make it look less worse than it was . My dad's eyes were gone , seemingly ripped out or thawed out whilst his right arm was also gone . I couldn't look as I gagged and threw up . Even as a child I knew that their deaths weren't nicely executed , blood was everywhere , there wasn't any clean spots on the ground . I broke down harder as I laid my head on both of them as they were stacked up together . The blood got on me and the smell was horrible . I realised that the drawers were opened and the cupboards were slashed down , showing that every piece of jewerly , all our finances were taken away . everythingAfter a couple of minutes I heard the sirens of a police car , maybe more outside my home . But everything happened so quick my mind was out of it . All I could think of was what was I supposed to do now ? My parents are gone , our money had been stolen , I have no siblings either . What the hell should I have done ? Was it my fault ?  I had so many questions in my head but I knew they weren't going to be answered . A month after the incident , I found a landlady who was nice enough to pay rent for a small apartment in an area in Trost until I could work to pay for my own rent . But I was already traumatised and broken from all the events thay happened that I couldn't care less about what happened in the future . In fact , I was on the verge of doing stupid things like you know..Anyways I was provided with some savings for my life expenses and it got better technically , but I wasn't . I had nothing to fight for , nothing to think about , nothing to love anymore . And forget that stupid duck . It didn't matter anymore .
I shivered at that memory. I almost forgot that it was school today. School starts at 7:45 a.m. It was 7:30 a.m. I needed to eat quicky because it was a 10 minute walk from here to the school. I packed my bag and brought all of the books. 'Better safe then never right?' Nope.

I ran to school at a high speed. I checked my watch, it was 7:41. Crap, gotta go fast! I saw the school's building and walked into the doors of Titan High. It was breathtaking.(Sort of.) There, I walked the halls of the school and saw some students chatting with each other. 'Like I'll ever do that...' I was wearing a (F/C) hoodie and some black leggings. My classroom was the 104th. 'I think it was on level 3...? Okay. I am so lost. Great. Every clique Anime has a new studennt and they get lost.'

I stopped my thoughts and saw a boy with brown hair and green eyes with a girl. She had a red scarf around her neck and black hair. Looked like they had been rushing as well.

"I told you to wake up but you didn't." The girl said.

"That's because I-I couldn't sleep last night!" He replied.

"Liar. I know you were playing that Mario Kart or whatever. You were screaming I won! I won! In the middle of he night."

The boy blushed and said "Whatever Mikasa." After he said that, he took notice of me and walked towards me. I tried walking backwards but there was a wall! 'Dammit wall. Why?!'

"Hi there! I'm Eren! This is my biological sister Mikasa! Nice to meet cha'!"

"H-hello. Do you know where the classroom 104 is?" I then extended my hand out.'WHY. WHY. WHY. WHY.'

Mikasa just shrugged and shook my hand. I wanted to ask them where the 104th classroom was again but they dragged me there. That there I saw...
Hey there! Here is my first chapter! I'm not very good at English though. I come from Indonesia so my english and writting skills suck. Anyways! Levi is not here yet but don't worry he'll be here soon maybe the next chapter so yeah! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hakve a great day! ^-^

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