Chapter 8 (Innocence Part 3)

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Petra's P.O.V.
It's been 3 days since I lied to everyone about (F/N) and I haven't gotten any news since my message. Hopefully she has stayed away from Levi. He is mine. Just to make sure she has given up, I'll make her suffer a little bit more.

Your P.O.V
I kept thinking about Petra(Aka Shitra.) And Levi. If only. I couldn't get out of bed. I felt like my body weighed a hundred pounds. I don't know why. I'm just going to chillax and not(Or try not to) talk to anyone.

*Time Skip*
"Have you heard?"
"Yeah, she's the one the rumours were talking about."
"Everyone's been saying that she stole someone from Petra Ral."
"You mean Levi-sama?"
"Yeah. Let's stay away."

I heard a lot of people talking about what happened. It was probably Shitra who spread them. I really feel hatred for her. This is the second time I hated someone. I was always a bright kid. I never hated anyone.

I walked into the class as I did everytime until majority turned around facing their frends instead of me. I saw Eren with a worried look on his face. Mikasa looked chill as ever. Armin was not here yet and Levi wasn't here either. Neither was Shitra. I frowned and walked to my seat and the people around me turned their backs against me. I asked Eren:

"Eren, are you bothered?"
"Nope! Not at all! I don't believe those rumours. You're a good friends and I trust you!"
Mikasa said,:
"From my point of view, I look at you as a great friend. I won't belive thse fake rumours. We're here for you."

I started tearing up and said:
Eren and Mikasa smiled and turned back to their seats as we were waiting for the teacher to come in. I saw Armin coming in with a bright look. There were literally sparkles, rainbows and unicorns around him as if he was in La La Land. I loked at him with a confused face.

"Why are you so happy Armin?"
"Nothing! Just really happy that I can go out every Saturday! :D"
I gasped and replied:
"Er meh gersh! Congrats Armin! I can feel that happiness and freedom. But it's only Saturday..."
"It's fine! I get to get out as lng as I want!"
"Oh, that's great!"

I looked up to see Levi and instantly turned my head towards the ground. 'Oh my lord! He's here! What am I supposed to do? I'll just pretend to ignore him.' As I looked up once again, I saw Shitra at her seat grinning to herself. I knew it was gunna be bad but I didn't think it would be to the extent of THAT bad. Oh,I was so wrong.

-Time Skip-
I walked over to the tables as it was Lunch already. Mina came over and told me that Shitra wanted to see me. I rolled my eyes and said alright and ate my lunch. After that, I walked over to the spot where Shitra and me were supposed to meet. I leaned on the wall and waited for her to come. After a few minutes I saw Shitra walking towards me.

"Hello, little girl."
I rolled my eyes.
"What do you want?"
"Oh nothing. Just wanted to warn you that if you talk to Levi-kun once more. You'll get it."
"Oh yeah?" I wanted to say "why me?" Instead, I said mockingly:
"Go ahead. Try me." With a scary look on my face. Shitra flinced a little and smirked.
"Hmph, we'll see who trupmed after this." And walked away. I breathed a sigh of relief and ran up to class.

~Time Skip To After School!~
I stood up from my seat and packed my bag and walked home without anyone stopping me. I walked over to my vacinity( Or area I dunno) and saw something. There was paint all over my windows and the front of my apartment. The paint said 'I TOLD YOU.' I just sighed and spoke: "It's not a big of a deal. I can clean this up."

I unlocked my door and see a mess all around the house in red paint. My eyes widnened and instantly ran to my room and saw a mess. Everything was torn up and messed. My bed was messy, my paper were shred to pieces. I checked my drawers and saw my improtant book. It was so important that I'd rather eat myself then throw this. I sighed reliefly and opened up the book to see torn up pages. It wrote:' TRY TO GET IT BACK LOSER.' My face turned red with anger.

"PETRA RAL! I'LL GET YOU BACK YOU BITCH. YOU BETTER PAY." That book was so important. It's gone too far. I'm done with this shit. She's going to experiece a bit of karma. And no, there was not note saying
'It's just a prank bro.' She's going to experience a little bit of science and horror. Hehe.
Guys. GUYS! :0 Finally a chapter. I know. You guys are probably really mad at me and liek
Wtf no update imma not read dis shiet.
Well, I have not finished my test but, I had extra time so I decided to post a chapter. I'm sorry if this chapter was not too long or you didn't read any romance or anything but the next chapter,
*spoilers lel*
Levi-san is gunna do somthin to Petra and you'll liek it!!! :D Anyways, thanks for sticking with me for so long. You guys sre the best. :>

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