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I've decided to discontinue this story.(for now) currently, i'm not planning to continue this story anymore. i've lost almost all my motivation to update this story so I've stopped writing. The reason is because, my ideas to continue have stopped flowing unlike when I started so I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused for all the long-time readers for the wait, I'm guessing not very many people will read this as I have not updated for like 3 months so uh, if you Readers really want me to continue, I'll try to but don't expect it to be as exciting as the beginning. tell me what you all readers think. maybe I'll reconsider but for now, I'm gonna stop writing. For the other books I've made which is my anime drawings and my Everyday life, I'm still updating them but not as frequently. Here is a discontinued bonus(10.5)that I've stopped writing so that's gunna kinda be the last chapter so, thank you for following this story's development.

Dull And Bright(Modern Levi × Reader!) {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now