Chapter 2 (Groups)

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Your P.O.V.

That there I saw a person with glasses and and a high ponytail. The three of us walked in and saw many students seated down on their desks. I took a random seat along with Eren and Mikasa. Eren sat down to the right of me. Mikasa on the left. We sat at the back of the class which was reasuring for me becasue not many people will take notice of me since I was sort of an invisible person. Just like Yato or Kuroko. Unless your a really cheerful person and take notice of me.

"Settle down! Today, we have a new student! Her name is (F/N)(L/N). Please welcome her!" The one with glasses said. She wad the teacher. I stood up and introduced myself. Quietly.

"H-hi there. I'm 16 and nice to meet you all." 'Crap. Was that too soft? I don't want people to take notice of me so I think that was okay.'

Some blushed? Some smiled. Some glared. 'Oh no. Did I make a bad impression? Please no. But at least they won't talk to me if they don't like me.' I was so going to correct that statement.

"Anyways, time to take the attendance! Make sure you remember your resgistered number because it'll be important in the future. Alright. Number 1, Mina Carolina!"


"Alright, check. Number 2, Thomas Wagner"
'Bla bla bla. I'll just day dream and look at the window and admire how beautiful the weather is.'

After 10 minutes, I heard my name being called.

"Number 21, (F/N)(L/N)."

Then she continued until number 35.'I wonder how my life will be here. It'll probably be the same as the last. Being bullied, made fun of for being an Otaku and being quiet and having no parents.'

"Alright everyone except Levi Ackerman is here! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Hanji. Call me Miss Hanji! I'll be your Science and Chemistry teacher for this year. First assignment for this year is, you guys will be in groups of 5! Go find people you wanna team with, I'll give you guys 10 minutes to form those groups! After you've done that, make sure you write the names of the people in your group and put the piece of paper on my desk. Make sure you have a leader. Alright enough of me, start grouping!"

After that, I didn't do anything. I sat at my seat and didn't move. I was still staring at the window and I couldn't care less who I was grouped with. If they invite me I'll just join I guess.

"Would you like to join us?"
I looked up and saw Eren, Mikasa and a yellow haired boy or girl, in front of me.

"Sure. I didn't have any other group to go with."
So, I joined them and we tried to look for another person but all of the other groups already together so we just sat back down and waited for what the teacher would say.

"Alright everyo-oh wait. There's still one more group not paired up yet."

Eren stood up and said "I'm sorry but we still don't have the last member. Everyone has been grouped up but us."

"Hmm. I'll put a person in your group. Let me see...the only one that's not grouped up is Levi. I'll put him in your group!" After hearing that I shrugged thinking it wasn't so bad to have an unknown person in our group.

Time Skip~

It was lunch time and I took my money for food. I walked out the door and saw Eren, Mikasa and the yellow haired boy or girl, outside.

"Hey (F/N), wanna join us for lunch? I mean, we are a group and we are friends right? C'mon please agree!" Eren said.

I shrugged and joined them. We walked up to a table a bit far from the food stalls. Eren and Mikasa brought their own bentos so me and the yellow haired boy or girl went to a stall together.

"Hi. My name is Armin Arlert! I'm Eren's childhood friend and I haven't introduced myself. My apologies!"

"Hi Armin. I-I'm (F/N)(L/N). Nice to meet you."
'Is he a girl or a boy? Probably a boy because his chest is flat. No offence Armin. :<'
We went and bought our food and walked back to the table to see Eren stuffing his mouth with onigiris' and Mikasa gracefully picking up bits of rice with her chopsticks and eating away. 'Hopefully he doesn't choke.'

"Hegh gpys, wgho rdo wu thgink wis Revi gruy wiz?" (Hey guys, who do you think think this Levi guy is?) Eren said with food stuffed in his mouth. Armin and I were confused as to what he had said.

"Stop talking with your mouth full Eren. He said hey guys who do you think this Levi guy is."

Armin and I said "Ohhhhhhhh."

Armin said "Well, I've heard that he came from a rich family from Trost."My eyes widened and exclaimed "That's where I live!" Everyone looked at me with a 'okay what' face. I sat back down awkwardly and kept silent. 'Shit, I said that too loud. Now they probably think I'm loud. I don't want that.'

Their reaction was "Okay (F/N). Maybe you might meet him. Calm down." My face burned red and looked down. I was so embarresed. I had never said something so loud before. Even where I live. Because this school was located near Maria city.

After that awkward lunch, the bell rung and we all walked back to class unexpecting a new person to come in. It was boy with raven hair, he was wearing a black shirt with black jeans. I took a glance at him and he glanced back with a dark look. I was scared so I turned my look over to the floor. I sat down at my seat and Miss Hanji came in and said

"Oh, here we have..."
Er meh gersh guys 1011 words! You guys obviously know who that boy is! Anyways. Thanks you for reading up to now I hope you enjoyed reading! >●< I couldn't describe how people looked very well because in my school, our compositions have to be formal and at least down to 150 words. That freaking sucks. We can't even put these kinds of words for example: Don't, didn't, I'm, How'd and all that smuz so writting less sucks. I also put a random pic up there. Didn't really suit the chapter but it was cute! ^-^ Anyways enough of my rambling. Hope you enjoyed. K bai bai! XD >●<

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