Chapter 13 (She's Back!)

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this was published out so late. i didn't expect to be so busy at school...everything is a mess right now. (At school and at home) i'm moving and also our graduation party is this Friday and i haven't even come up with the cheography yet holy shiet...welp enuff of this rant, enjoy. (also sorry for really damn late chapter. i hate myself for this. but most of all i hope you guys don't hate me too much.) also, i'm gonna put random pictures of manga on the top. (all romance) that manga is Usotsuki Lily. i can recommend manga if you're really bored. it's about a cross-dressing guy and a normal girl meeting. :) also that picture of that guy is their son. it's at the end of the manga. :p not owned by me of course.
Your P.O.V.

Okay, everything is checked and packed up now. I just need to wait for the others. They sure are taking a long time. Right as I said that, I spotted my friends running(only Eren) towards the meeting spot.

"Hey! *pant* Sorry we're *pant* late!"
Wow, Eren sure is exhausted.

"You can't be out of energy at the start of the trip! Then where's your energy gonna be used up later?! Seriously, you need to think, Eren."

"I agree." Whispered Mikasa while she came from behind.

"There are some stalls at the beach that sell milkshakes and all kinds of refreshments, once we get there, you'll be filled in no time! :3"

"Okay, I admit I was ķind of dumb, great idea Armin. Then let's go!" Before Eren ran off, he was pulled back by the collar by Mikasa.

"Hold, on, where is the shorty."

"Yeah, he is kinda late. What is he doing? Urgh..."

"You know I'm right behind you right?"
I turned around and saw him staring at us.

"Holy cheeseballz, you were there the whole time?!"

"Mm" He just replied.
"You want to hurry or what?"

"Okay! Okay, we're going!"

So, we took Eren's father's car all the way to the beach. I gotta thank him later, he's pretty nice! :)

"You know, don't you guys wonder where Petra went? She just disappeared."

"Yeah. She just came and left." I look towards Levi and waited for his reply. But it never came.

Time Skip *1 hour*

Eren's dad parked his car at the carpark and we walked to the villa.

"I kinda wanna go swimming first..." Eren said.

"Okay, sure. After we finish unpacking everything, we can go swim!"

So after we finished, Eren ran all the way to the beach's end. He was really excited. Mikasa had worn a sports bra (wot) and spandex shorts.(i dunno what to call it) I had worn just a shirt and some shorts. And underneath was just a simple swimming suit.(like those japanese school swimming suits in anime ya know, the blue one. :/) When I was about to walk to the store where they sell ice cream and stuff, someone pulled me away.

"Hey hey hey, who the hell is this?"

"Be quiet." Her voice reminded me of someone similar. I looked behind and saw HER. (petra duh.)

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Kidnapping you, duh." I didn't want to be easily kidnapped like this but what could I do? My hands were tied behind my back. So I used my legs to kick her from behind. But in result I fell front as well. I tried to get up and run away but some people wearing black cloacks dragged/carried me forcibly to some car. They hit the back of my neck and I'm starting to lose concousness.(how to i spe11) Everything then went black.

chapters are going to be shorter and shorter so it'll result in me updating more often. but short chapters aren't nice aren't they?  :(

Dull And Bright(Modern Levi × Reader!) {Discontinued}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora