Chapter 6 (Innocence) Part 1

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147 reads... AMAZING! >●< Thank you guys so much for reading my boring stories. I'm crying right now.I'll make this chapter extra long for yu guys. Enjoy. ;>
Your P.O.V.
It's Friday, Friday gotta get down on Friday?
'Wait. Is it Friday??? Yep just checked my watch. It IS FRIDAY YAHOO! SCHOOL WEEK IS ENDING YAYYYY!!!! >■<' I thought as I was really excited for the match on Saturday with my friends. Friends? Yep. ^-^ Anyways, I ran to school and squealed all the way. I'm such a kid. I ran all the way until I bumped into someone. (Kids, never run while sqealing and closing your eyes.) The impact sent me flying.(Kinda)

"Ou ou ou!" I whined.

I turned my head up to see a boy. He had redish hair. He looked like he was from my school since he was wearing out boys' uniform. 'He looks cool...' I stood up instantly and apologized.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going I'm so so-" I was cut off.

"It's alright. I was rushing too. I'm sorry."
'It was entirely my fault!'

"No I'm sorry."

"Okay then. :>"
He walked past me. He looked like a senior. I was quite attracted. He was wearing glasses and looked cool. He was quite tall. I think he was around 180 centimeters. I snapped out and continued WALKING to school just in case that happened again.

*Time Skippu~*
Walking into the classroom, I saw Levi and the girl from yesterday. I instantly rolled my eyes. She was clinging onto him and he didn't look amused. I walked past them and whispered a 'Good Morning-ssu' and didn't look back. After the bell rang which stated that class is starting, Miss Hanji walked into the class.

"Hello my students and very good morning to ya'll! We'll be having a new student today, again! Her name is Petra Ral. Please welcome her to the class!"

"Hi there. I'm Petra Ral but you can call me Ral. For short."
She looked away and I heard her mutter 'Peasents.' Well, she's officially a b**** in my book. She walked down the aisle of desks next to mine and stood behind Levi which located an empty chair.

"Hey Miss Hanji, do you mind if I sit here~?" She said with fuc**** puppy eyes.

"Alright Ral. Anyways, you guys will have to pass in your projects on Monday. You can hand it in today if you can. If you can then please place you project work on my desk and take out your textbooks to page 7."

*Time Skip cuz no one wants to read people study.*

It's almost lunch and.we were doing something about frogs. We're gonna do something with frogs...(Note, this is from a video game that Pewds-kun plays :>) 'Ugh, how long??? I'm so going to doze off right now...c'mon teacher!' 'RING' 'Heck yeah lunch.' Everyone started to take out their lunch items and started pushing their chairs in. Well, some of them. I did.

"Hold on. Lunch does not start when the bell rings, it starts when I say so." Miss Hanji said.

So we stayed for around 5 minutes to complete the last sentence although the other classes had already departed.(This happens to our class too.) I ran down for lunch without waiting for anyone and ended up being the first in my class of course to be here. I bought a plate of noodles and a plate of omelette for lunch because I skipped breakfast but because I didn't eat dinner last night thanks to that project. I sat down on a table far from the stalls near the darkness.

"Hey (F/N), why are you here alone?"
I looked up and stopped stuffing my food in my mouth and saw Eren before me.

"Ri'm jusrt rreaaaalrlly hungggartyyy andndd ri donrt wwrant peopelple to screees rme."

I continued eating and Eren walked away. (I usually eat 2 plates of food everyday but I'm underweight I'm 36.7 kilos and yeah... I don't EVER get fat. I kinda want to. Sorta. But my mother stopped me from eating 2 plates now. I kinda want to again. Okay I've started. Don't tell my mom. xD.)

*Time Skip after lunch*
I returned the plates back to the stall owners and walked up to the rooftop since I still had time. I ate really quickly so I had spare time. I reached and walked up to the fences. I looked at the scenery which looked amazing. My apartment was on the 2nd level and I've never went up to the rooftop before. The cool breeze brushed through my hair, making it feel windy.

"Oi little girl."
I looked behind me to see a girl who had brown hair and hazel coloured eyes and many others behind her carrying rulers, pencils and other stationary.


"We came here to give you a warning."

"What kind of warning? Did I do something oh, so wrong to offend you?"
Her eye twitched, showing that she was pretty pissed off.

"Yes, very wrong. You have been seen with our 'Senpai' and seen walking into his house. That is unacceptable. We, are very offended."

"Oh, so your saying your stalking us? Alright then. And if you have any ideas, get rid of it. I'm just in his group and went to do a project. So please mind your own buisness because we didn't do anything." I stated confidently.

"Girls, get her. We don't believe you because we found these pictures."
She showed me pictures of my on top on Levi?! What?! I didn't do anything to him! We didn't even talk much! What the crap is going on?!

'Who the heck had those photos?Um. Yeah. Crap. Better run, but I can't. Well (F/N) you're going to have to go home bruised.' The girls charged at me and started beating me up with their stationary. I closed my eyes shut and thought about stuff. I was always faced with this problem. My so called friends always hated me because they thought I was spoilt. My parents were wealthy so I could get anything I or them wanted. But I never do that. I had very less toys or barely at all. I had no phone till I was 14. I've always endured this. I never told my parents. I would always give excuses about why I'm beaten up, till they found out. So I had to change schools over and over. I've had a small, sad life.

~Time skip...~
After the girls left me alone, I slowly got up with my bruised body and looked at my injuries. They didn't look serious. Well to me they aren't. I limped back to class and sat back at my seat recieving some stares and worried faces that I didn't bother looking at.

"Hey (F/N), are you alright? What happened to you? You're all bruised and beaten up! We gotta get you to the nurses office. Or the hospital if worse!" Eren asked worridly.

I shook my head and waved him and said I was alright. He insisted so he and Mikasa basically helped me to the nurses office. They waited outside and I was inside.

"Looks pretty bad. Did something happen to you?"

"Well..." I was hesitating because I didn't want to tell anyone.

"No worries, you don't have to tell me. I'm a very trustable person! :D" Her face softened up.
'Well, you sound nice.'
So I told her everything that had happened. EVERYTHING. She had a very reassuring and worried look.

"Don't worry. You can always come to me if you have problems! I'm was once a counciler!" (Guys spelling problems.) She told me. I felt very relived and safe so I told her what my past life had been like.

~Time a skip...~
After talking to each other and her bandaging my hands and legs even my body. She told me it was serious so I had to stay home. So I was told that someone had taken my schoolbag down. After awhile, I saw Petra. My smile turned into an instant frown. 'NOT HER!!!'

"I hope you feel better!"

She said and skipped back to our class. I swear she sent me a glare and a smirk. But shrugged it off. I muttered a small 'thank you.' The nurse asked if I needed assistance but I politely declined so I walked home. Alone...

~Time Skippu~
I reached home and threw my bag on the couch and slept in my bed the whole day thinking about who was the one who showed those goddamn pictures.
Sorry guys. Continuing part 2 in the next chapter because I'm crying. Cuz my mom doesn't want me to do what I love to do. And she thinks it's stupid so yep. Draw. Anyways, enuff of my ranting hope you enjoyed this... ;^;

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