Pokémon ZKhan

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I always read about people finding games or some weird glitch happening that mentally or physically scared some random kid for life. However I always thought that they were just stories. That they were all just made up. Little did I know that I would be writing one of my own some day.

I guess I should start from the very beginning shall I?

I guess this all really started two years ago when I first met him. We didn't really speak much until we both had a mutual friend. However, the way I acted was like I'd known him for years. I don't know if it was just him being manipulative or if it was just something about him but I would have done anything for him. And I guess I kind of did.

It was getting towards the end of our high school years and he was getting really behind on his coursework, I couldn't just sit there and watch one of my best mates fail because we had an incompetent teacher. So I did what any good friend would do. I stayed behind for 2–3 hours every day, I stayed back 2–3 hours on top of the hour and a half bus ride I had on top of that. We were inseparable until the end of school. It was then when things went a little bit weird.

He began to call me out, it wasn't unusual as we did used to meet up a bit outside of school but after a while he stopped showing up. Now usually I would think the worse because of my paranoid nature but the was he kept on calling me out help those thoughts at bay. But stupidly I obeyed and ended up being left to walk 10 miles home. I told him I was sick of him, nobody that has done as much as I had should be treated like that. This is things went from weird to creepy. Oh how I wish I had realized sooner.

This next bit I'm not too proud of. But I was sick of people always walking all over me! I started to spread rumors about him, sending malicious text messages and emails. After about a month every had heard about him. All his friends had heard their own deep dark secrets from someone else, which I had cleverly woven back to him. Even his family were paying the price as I'd, through the actions of his brother, persuaded them that he was in fact gay.

Him being of the Muslim faith they didn't take it very well. However this turned out to be true so I guess it wasn't all bad. But on top of all that I completely ruined any chance of him making new friends because if the last rumor the secret, which had nothing to do with me, came out that he tried to kiss me. At that point in time though I was all for sticking to that rumor. I can safely say this completely ruined him. After that I never heard from him again, I think on some level he knew it was me. But I guess I'll never know.

About two months had passed since then and I'd completely forget about him and what happened. I wouldn't have connected it but it was now that I received a message from him. It was through Facebook so I completely ignored its content and sent a message back. The message basically said that he should **** off and leave me alone like I told him to. Him being the annoying type I was expecting a message back, but after two whole days and no reply I decided to go and check out what it was that broke our silence.

The message. Nothing but a URL, not even a title. I was about to click delete when I noticed where the URL lead too. It was a URL to my own site, a URL to a part of the site I was not aware existed. Go check that URL leads nowhere.

The guy could barley use Microsoft word so there is no way he could hack a file into my server. So how is it when I clicked on it something happened...

The screen went white, the page was blank. I was expecting to get a 404 error and be done with it but boy was I shocked when a download started. It was a .NDS file.

By now I was thinking of the most obvious reasons of how this was happening. The most reasonable thing I could think of was that he had befriended someone with extraordinary hacking abilities and asked them to do a favor, Sound familiar?

Pokémon Creepypasta A to ZOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora