Rain Continues to Fall

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I went to town with my friend one day, it was really fun. I was having a great time. We had an hour to kill before her mum came to pick us up, so I decided to go to the town's GAME (in Britain, we only have Game Station, GAME, Gamexchange, and miscellaneous stores that sell games) in there, I found a copy of Pokémon Platinum. I was thrilled to see it, I had wanted this game for a long time and it was priced so cheaply at £17.99 that I had to buy it. My friend was not so pleased at me spending this much money on a game, but I told her that it was very cheap for a Pokémon game.

"Well okay. If you really want to," she said to me, making it blatant that she was not that happy.

After I bought it, we walked around town for a while and bought more stuff (I spent most of my money on food). Then, her mum came to pick us up and took us to my mate's house.

When I got to her room, I slid the game into her brother's DS, grinning like a mad man. My friend just rolled her eyes.

Everything was normal when I started it up. No hack. No lavender town. Just normal Pokémon Platinum, I inwardly laughed at myself and thought, "If it was like a creepypasta that would be funny. What an idiot I am." So I named myself silver like I always do and named my rival Gok Wan. It was an accident with the Gok thing, I was trying to name him gold but it failed.

But I'm babbling on, I'll just cut to the chase.

A few days after, I got home from a horrible day at school, flopped on my bed and picked up my DS lite. It was an old piece of crap, but it was my piece of crap. I turned it on and took my tie off. I started my game up and smiled. It's nice to have a Pokémon team. Any Pokémon fan will tell you your team is like a family to you. So, after it started up and I clicked my profile, I realized I was on route 205. This made me a bit annoyed, because that's not where I saved, but I continued regardless of the weirdness of it all.

Suddenly, a text box appeared on the screen:

The rain continues to fall.

I looked at the over world and yes, in fact, it was raining. I continued the game, wanting to see where it would take me.

So, I walked upwards, through the long grass. The funny thing was that there were no random battles. No trainers. No nothing. I tried to go back, but another text box came up:

The rain continues to fall

I got angry and screamed at my DS. Then, all of a sudden, I heard a dunt sound, like I bumped into a wall in a dark cave.

What I bumped into was my old Pokémon Silver team.

I almost cried when I saw them; Red my Typhlosion, Espikins my Espeon, Blue my Pidgiot, Green my Raticate, LuLu my Lugia and my Goldeen who I had never given a nickname. They looked very angry.

Then, in front of the pack, was my old trainer silver, he shook his head from side to side with a frown on his face. Suddenly a battle sequence started.

Pokémon trainer Silver wants to battle.

He sent out Goldeen at level 30. I easily cleared past her with my level 40 Luxary, nicknamed Sparky. "Fitting," I thought.

The next Pokémon he sent out was Green, my Raticate. He was a level 45. Sparky barely scraped him.

After that, he sent out Blue, my Pigeot, at level 60. I sent out Bon Bon my Buneary. She was at a level 40, the same as Sparky.

Bon Bon barely made it, but she was still ready to go with the help of a hyper potion. She just managed to beat my Espeon, but ended up with extremely low health, so I swapped her with my Sparky.

But Red, my Typhlosion, cleared my entire team, but then again, he was a level 99.

Then a little scene played. My current silver character fell on the floor gasping for air, and then my old silver character led down next to her and said:

"Will you take them back?"

I screamed at my DS, "Yes, yes, of course I will!"

"Then it is done," he said to the screen.

The screen went black for a moment, then my silver character reappeared in her bedroom. She walked to the window and a text box appeared.

"The rain continued to fall."

All of a sudden, the mum NPC appeared in the bedroom.

"Hi honey, how's your Piplup? Oh, it's not there! Where is it?"

An exclamation mark appeared over her head.

"Oh, so by what you're telling me a boy not much older than yourself came along and killed your entire team?"

Professor Rowan walked in and said, "She's right! This boy is named silver and I think I know why he did that."

The mum NPC said, "Why? Professor, why?"

He turned to face the screen "Because you abandoned them—that's why (like I'm giving you guys my real name) so you have one more chance—will you take them back?"

I whispered to the mic, "Yes, of course I will, they were my favorite team."

"You made a wise choice- and I respect you for that," he said to me.

The screen went completely black and then the DS turned off. I laid down and took a while to digest what had just happened. After about fifteen to twenty minutes, I heard the door open and I knew my mum was home.

After that, the game would never play again each time I tried to press it a text box would appear and say:

"You are not welcome anymore. Play your silver game instead."

So I threw out my platinum game and re-started silver, and believe you me, I finished it.

After a few months, my DS finally gave out and it could never play anything again. But one thing never left my mind and it will continue to haunt me for the rest of my life:

"The rain continued to fall."

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