Chapter 11

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  "Start small," Han began their first lesson, handing Leia her DL-44. Leia accepted it with a warm grip and nodded, intently drinking in every word he uttered. "The bigger it is, the harder it is to handle. But, I think smaller might just be a perfect match for you. It's simple, precise, and light." Taking his own identical blaster into hand, he eyed the target from across the room, aimed and pulled the trigger. A nanosecond later, the target fell victim, lying dead on the floor, sporting a burn mark in its very center. Impressed, Leia smiled, slowly raising her own weapon. "Okay, tell me what to do. How do you do it?"
  "Simple. First, try it by yourself. Just let me see what I have to work with."
  Leia nodded, turned to another target and eyed its position in comparison to where she had her blaster pointing. She tried to be sure they were level and pulled the trigger in hope. Once the shot was finished, Leia looked to see it had just barely grazed the target, the target still standing. "Alright. That's not too bad. I mean, it hit it."
  "Just barely."
  Han dropped his arms to his sides and audibly sighed, saying, "Hey, at least I'm trying to be positive about it. And really, that's not too bad for your first time."
  "But I need you to make me better."

  "So, tell me what to do."
  Han stepped up to Leia's side and turned her so she faced the target at an angle, his hands gently turning her by the shoulders. Leia jumped a little at the touch, but eventually relaxed as Han continued to survey her. "Now show me how you're holding the blaster."
  Leia held the DL up, hugging it tightly, her fist bound around the handle, one finger sitting against the trigger."Okay. You need to loosen up." He took her hand and pulled on her fingers so they loosely gripped the blaster by its handle and so her trigger finger rested easily against its designated spot. Han shook her by her shoulders to loosen her up, then told her, "Okay. Now shoot it."
  Leia fired the weapon again only to just barely graze the target again. Her shoulders slumped and she frowned at Han. "It didn't work."

  "What? Did yo expect to become an expert in three shots?'
  "No," Leia corrected him. "Two. Now, help me. I'm not going to stop until I'm better at this."


  "Viceroy Organa," Carlist Rieekan smiled warmly as he shook the other man's hand with a nice grip. "It's wonderful to have another occasion to meet again. I've been so busy lately."
  Bail smiled back, clapping the fellow Alderaanian on the back. "General Rieekan. I ought to keep you busy. I've heard from Mon Mothma that you've been doing great things for us. We need more loyal, hard-working men like you, Rieekan. I'm glad to have you with us." Bail turned to greet said senator. "Senator Mothma, welcome back. And you too, Senator Fang Zar." However, these were not the only ones attending this particular meeting. Also in attendance were several Rebellion fighter pilots as well as people who worked more as ground forces or in resistance cells. "It's a shame we only get to meet so often." The senators and other Rebellion figures all seated themselves to begin the confidential meeting. Of course, much of Bail's staff was well aware of these meetings and had a rough idea of Bail's plans, but they had little idea how serious Bail's ideals and plans were. And that he wasn't the only one.
  For the sake of secrecy, Breha had left the palace shortly before with Bail's big-mouthed sisters to "go shopping for Leia" and the staff had been told they were not to interrupt his meeting unless it was utterly dire. But, as a small exception, Memily quickly came in to serve the assembled group with drinks and a few trays of snacks. "Thank you, Memily," Bail said, nodding her off and she hurried, not risking a single more glance back as she'd been told. Then, Bail started the meeting. "I called this meeting in hopes that we could, together, discuss moving forward with our opposition of the Galactic Empire. Of course, under mine and my wife's leadership Alderaan hasn't yet taken any action against the Emperor or his policies and government, but I do not wish to cause my own people and home danger due to my own opinions. I have a daughter to care for and I do not wish to put her in harm's way either. However, she is older, now. She understands the reality our our galaxy and . . . she is quite the fierce little one." A few chuckles were heard from the older senators and men. "I feel that we are facing a turn of age and Alderaan cannot sit under Palpatine's wing for much longer. Things are becoming worse by the day and Alderaan will no longer stand for this tyranny."
  "Couldn't have said it better myself," Senator Zar laughed. "Nor could I agree more. It was very smart of you to play friends while doing undercover work, Organa. Very clever, Viceroy, very clever of you."
  "Actually," Mon Mothma smiled from her place at Admiral Ackbar's side. "I believe that was an idea of Senator Amidala's before she passed away. You know, Rieekan, Senator Amidala was a very huge part of this whole operation before the Emperor actually came to power-"

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