Chapter 15

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  Leia had responded back. What on Coruscant? She'd responded back. And just what exactly did she think she was doing? Leia understood that Han found this whole skit of his hilarious, but with so many things on her plate already, it only made Leia's mood worse. Gram had been calling her all day, Isolder had sent her a bouquet of Gallinore rainbow gems and exotic Ithorian flowers while she'd been at a meeting with Mothma, her father, and other people who were already breathing down her neck. She didn't need this!
  Leia was so frustrated with it all, she was taking her anger out on her walking pace, her heels stomping loudly against the floor as she stormed down the hall, quickly brushing past Mothma before the older senator could make some stupid comment that was sure to annoy Leia. Muttering nonsense phrases of her pure, raw anger, she hurried from her father's meeting room and to the comm station, just to get all the messages over with. But when she got to the communications room, on the counter sat Isolder, grinning at Leia and he slowly rose to meet her. Silently cursing the most vile phrases she'd heard Han ever utter, Leia slowly, unconsciously, took a step back out the door and swallowed.

  "Isolder. I didn't expect to see you here. I was sure you and your mother would be heading back for Hapes by now. Truly, I appreciate the courtesy, but you've both stayed long enough-"

  "But not long enough. It's alright, my dear. I just thought I'd give you your time. We'll be staying on Alderaan until you reach a decision on your marriage proposals. I guess I hope it's me you'll then be going home with."

  "Staying?" Leia swallowed on a dry throat. "Until then? Well, Isolder. That's just wonderful. And good to know. I didn't expect to see you here, either, if I haven't said so already. In my home's comm station, I mean."

  "Oh. Yes. Well, I know you always make a stop here before heading back to your own bed chamber. I was hoping I'd be able to catch you before then. It doesn't seem like I get to see you enough. That or my hunger can never be fed enough of your incomparable beauty."

  "Right. Look, Isolder, I get  what you mean, but I am . . . so tired and I really could use some rest. So, if you'll excuse me-"
  Isolder stopped her there. Not with words. No! The prince was at least smart enough to realize that wasn't going to work. He took her by her chin and firmly held it between his fingers while he hurried to press an urgent kiss to her dry lips. Leia had had enough already in this young day and the second his fingers were on her, Leia was preparing to react and instinctively slapped the man across his face.

  Then, there was silence. A horrible feeling sunk in Leia's gut and she internally gasped as she realized what she'd just done. Kriff, kriff, kriff, Leia silently swore. I just slapped the Hapan prince! She considered sputtering out an apology, but wasn't sure it would make a difference. Still, the dramatic mama's boy hadn't responded with words much less movement. Slowly, he looked back to Leia, holding his face where Leia caught a glimpse of bright pink skin. She considered her choices again and almost laughed aloud when she thought about it. Apologize? Who was she kidding? She stood straighter and brought her arms up to cross them. Isolder glared at her. "Thanks, but I'm good," she said instead and quickly walked off.


  "Hey," Han stood to meet Leia as she approached him in the busy market square. "You said we needed to talk?" Simple yet fashionable, Leia was dressed in a dark wrap that she kept pulled around her shoulders and over her head, shades hiding her eyes as she hurried to where he was at a small table in front of a cafe.

  "Someone on my staff found out you're here," she cut straight to the chase, taking off her sunglasses, worry in her dark eyes. She looked so tired to Han, he tried to imagine how much stress she'd been under the past few months, but something told Han her anxiety was due to more than just her suitors.
  "Did you tell me off?"

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