Chapter Twelve - Jasmine

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Fiorella's POV

My feet pounded into the ground creating a constant drumbeat that surrounded us. Turning a corner, I heard a whisper trickle through my mind.

"Jump!" it whispered, "Jump now!"

Leaping up I looked down to see the wolves I was running with had skidded to a stop and were now staring up at me wide eyed. Raphael in wolf form pushed through the huddled group, making his way to the stump of the tree before lifting his head.

His jaw opened in a wolfie grin with his pink tongue hanging out the side of it.

"Hello darling what are you doing all the way up there?" a voice that sounds like Raphe asks.

"Is that you Raphe?" I thought back after a long pause, looking down at him while I think. Instead of answering he nods his head.

"So why are you up there and how?" he grins, well his wolfie version anyway.

"I dunno I wanted too, I guess" I say trying to shrug my shoulders but only just managing to lift them an inch. "Let's continue on" I dart forward jumping from tree branch to tree branch. Looking back as I slow down I notice that the pack had fallen behind.

Leaping across the gap in trees, I run back to them and dive onto the back of Raphael.

"What're you doing kitten?" he laughs, projecting his question to me. A strange noise comes from his snout an almost chuckling sound as his shoulders bounce up and down in time with the noise.

Shifting back I lie down, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing myself into his back, trying to cover myself from the others around us.

Lifting my hand, I inch it slowly towards his fuzzy head. Closer, closer, only an inch... my fingers touch down onto his fluffy head.

Tingles shot through my arms, encasing me in a cocoon of warmth and security. Nuzzling my head against his neck; I sigh deeply inhaling his mouth-watering smell.


"Mmgm" I mumble into his coat snuggling as close as I can.

"What're you doing?" he chuckles softly, turning to face me. Instead of answering I tighten my hold on his neck, enveloping myself in his warmth.

His pace slowly picks up from a walk to a trot to a run and within no time we end up back at the clearing, where I shifted for the first time.

Sliding off of his back, I land on the ground with a muted thud and catch a piece of cloth that is thrown at me.

Making my way through the area back to where we held my birthday party, I pause mid stride slightly turning around. Looking around I make out a slow trickle of men women and children making their way towards me.

"Luna" a little girl says, running up to me and squeezes my legs together, pushing me slightly off balance in the process. "How old are?" she asks, peering up at me through her lashes.

A woman comes jogging over to me and stops, sweeping into a low curtsy "I'm so sorry Luna for the disrespect shown by my daughter here" she pleads desperately, while still keeping her gaze downcast.

Leaning down, I wrap my arms carefully around the adorable little girl and lift her onto my hip. Before smiling at her obviously anxious face. "It's ok ma'am" I assure her, pressing my cheek into the little girl's chubby ones.

A relieved smile breaks out across the little girls moms face. Before she slowly turns and continues following the rest of the pack.

"Hey Sweetie" I say, Looking down at the beautiful girl, to get her attention "what's your name?"

"Jasmine" she mumbles against my throat. Gazing down at her I watch as her tiny eyelids blink sleepily before finally melding shut.

Continuing on through the backyard, I make my way back into the deserted house and open the first door I walk across. Luckily it turns out to be a small bedroom, so I push the door open wider and head towards the bed before slowly detangling her arms from around my neck and lower her onto the bed. Pulling the covers over her, I lean down pressing my lips against her forehead and turn making my way back to the door.

Walking back out into the main entrance I walk into my bedroom and sprint for the bed. Placing my hands on the end of it, I launch myself over the bed and somersault onto my back, facing the wrong way.

Crawling back to the head of the bed, I pull back the covers and curl up underneath the fluffy doona, laying my head on the pillow.

Fluttering my eyelids, I struggle to keep them open but fail miserably and give up, shutting my eyes to the world.


Hola everyone!

sorry about the wait I've been dealing with a large dose of writers block :(. but with better news HFM has reached #724 in werewolf this morning!!

Goal for this chapter is 13 Votes and one Comment




p.s. does anyone know how the Watty Awards work, because i hope to have this book finished before then and admit it. if you do can you please either comment or dm me, Thank you all so much.

Z out

His Feral Mate (#Wattys2016)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon