Chapter Sixteen - Mariko

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Hola Everyone, i had a long 4 hour drive on Saturday and Sunday so I wrote during it and here it is.


Goal: 18 Votes and 3 Comments

(Hopefully I will have another chapter finished soon)

Cheers, Zara


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Kapish...kapoosh and she was gone. How the hell did she disappear like that?

I stand gawking at the slab of grass she was on not even 20 seconds prior. My breath is knocked out of me, as a huge force collides into me sending me to the ground and it lands on top of me.

Sparks cover me from head to toe, setting my nerves on fire. And making me struggle to draw in very much vital oxygen. Something sticks into the middle of my back, as the thing on top of me squirms around. Making me cry out in pain as it digs further and further into the middle of my back.

A small whine is accompanied by the, what looks to be a pitch black wolf, as it leaps back away from me and behind the safety of a tree.

The sounds of snapping echoes around as the wolf shifts back. Raphael emerges from behind the tree and makes his way back fully dressed. He walks towards me with cold stony eyes and a blank emotionless mask.

"Why are you wearing that? How are you wearing that?' he questions, indicating towards the armour that has now became like a second skin. I look down at it, attempting to pull it away from me but it stays stuck fast to my skin.

"I-I don't know how or why it just attached itself to me".

He inhales a large breath of air, at my announcement, a wide eyed expression crossing his face before it returns back to a blank mask.

"Follow me!" he orders his voice a gruff grunt before he reaches over and grabs my arm, pulling me behind him as he power walks back to the house. He shoves me in front of him, pushing me into the house before slamming the door and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why did you run Fiorella, don't you like it here?" his voice loses its ferocity at the end as his tone turns pleading. He looks so vulnerable at the thought of me leaving him.

The front door slams into Raphael's back, a loud crash echoes around the room as a part of the intricately designed door breaks off and falls to the ground. Raphael's face falls back into an emotionless mask, giving away no hints that he had been vulnerable before.

"What!" he growls, brushing of the leftover woodchips from his shirt "Do you want"

When I finally manage to catch a glance of the person who busted in I am mildly surprised as it's the head tracker Rollo.

"Sir!" he pants, standing half in the door "There's... there's-"

"Get on with it" raphe cuts in.

"There's a message for you from the Ninfu" he says, a dark look burned onto his face. He turns and makes his way out of the door at a slow jog, with Raphe and I in tow.

We run till we hit a tree with a blazing arrow stuck into the timeworn wood. Raphe reaches forward and yanks it out. Headless to the blazing flames that are surrounding the shaft.

As the flames die out, burning the last of the arrow. A piece of parchment is left in its place.

You went against the council... you broke the law, there will be repercussions! And you will pay!

He snarls and grabs my arm, pulling me into his large chest. His eyes turning into a black like brown. "Never!" he snarls again, hugging me tighter and burrowing his head in my neck.

I stand there with the assembled men gawking at their Alpha as he growls lowly, over and over again. With his head buried between my neck and shoulder.

We stand there for a solid ten minutes before he finally releases his death grip on me. "Everyone assemble in the underground Training Facility" he commands, but everyone stays rooted to their spot "NOW!"

Within seconds, the whole area is clear. Apart from a few children. "Fifi, can you please go into our room and wait there"

"Our?" I scrunch my nose up looking at him. "You seem pretty confident in your ability?" I laugh ducking away from his outstretched arms and making my way towards the house.

A soft chuckles reaches my ears just as I open the door. I head back to the secret door that lead me outside and pull open the door. Standing in the cupboard like space I wait for it to start moving but it doesn't.

I run my hand over the walls, feeling for any buttons or gaps in the wall with no luck. "Dammit" I growl, striking out to the left with my foot. "Crap... my toe" I lean over clutching my toe with both hands as it throbs painfully.

I open the door and walk slowly back to my room, cringing each time my foot comes in contact with the floor, as I limp my way back. Opening the door I make my way to the bed and plop myself down on the side of it.

Flinging myself back onto the bed I am met with the uncomfortable feeling of metal stinking into my back... again. Pulling myself up I attempt to pull the armour over my head. But it doesn't shift.

"Arghh, you stupid thing! Freaking get off of me" I scream, throwing my arms up above my head and slamming them down onto the bed over and over. Salty tears cascade down my face, leaving moist paths in their wakes.

Small clinks come from the armour as it slowly falls off of me leaving me feeling light and breezy. My breath shudders as I try to regain it.

The armour falls to the ground where I kick it away from me, across the room. It slides into the side of my wardrobe with a loud thump.

Standing up, I touch my toe to the ground hesitantly. With little taps before I place it down firmly and resume to walking normally.

I walk in the opposite direction and open doors as I go, until I finally stumble across the hidden elevator thingy.

Pulling the door aside, I step into the room and stand there waiting for it to start moving. After a couple of seconds the lift starts moving. It shudders as it moves, making it harder for me to stand.

With one last great big shudder it opens up once again in front of the walls of weapons and armour.

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