Chapter Fourteen - Escape

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Sorry about the wait,school is really stressful. enjoy the chapter.

Goal: 15 Votes and 2 Comments

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Fiorella's POV

I turned for the exit, blindly running out. Hands extended, guiding my way. Taking the stairs two at a time, I stop resting my heaving lungs before taking leave again.

Wrenching the door open I glance up skimming the room. Before slamming the door shut and moving on to the next door.

"What're you doing?" ebony hisses, as I feel a sensation of pacing in the back of my mind, "Anata wa baka".

"Turn back now, before you enrage him" she whimpers her voice harbouring an unknown edge to it.

"NO" I snarl, a subtle noise emanating from my chest. Turning the handle to the next door, I pull it open uncovering an elevator looking mechanism with a wire door covering it. Carefully dragging the cage handle, I step into the space. Before closing the outside door, and plopping myself down on the floor.

A blue light turns on, startling me. Clutching my chest I breathe a sigh of relief. The ground below me shudders before completely falling away from below.

A scream tears out of my throat, as I flail uselessly in the air. Plummeting faster and faster. Clenching my eyes shut, I wait, still screaming, as I fall to my death.

Peeping through my lashes I squint down at the ever approaching ground.

My breath whooshes out of my lungs, eliciting a small cry of protest, as my body is yanked up, stopping me mid-decent. Before letting me go, leaving me to plummet back to the ground.

Finally I crash into the ground, crumbling to my knees. Breathing deeply, I lift my head and look around the room I crashed into.

Weapons line the walls, everything from crossbows to guns. Row on row, shelf after shelf. My eye is drawn to the left towards a massive wall holding what looks to be armour. Climbing onto my legs, I go to take a step but buckle and land face first on the pavement.

Crawling slowly back onto my legs, I spread my arms out. Using them to keep myself balanced. Lifting one foot I hesitantly place it down and stay there waiting for a second before repeating the gesture.

Slowly I make my way over to the wall. And look closer at the row of armour hanging there. Upon closer inspection the armour looks to be made of a scale like substance.

"What is this?" I whisper, reaching out to touch it. My fingers skid along it, before falling back to my side. "What is that?"

"Try it on" she whispers, urging me to do so. My fingers make their way to the garment of their own accord, lifting it of the wall and pulling it closer. Within seconds it has moulded itself to me, covering my chest with golden scales that reach to mid arm.

Scrambling backwards, I scrape my nails down the area, over and over again. Only to be met with the same result. I heave, my chest moving up and down as I try to regain my breathe.

Melodious chinks come from my heaving chest as I breathe in and out. Slowly calming my racing heart.

"It's ok" she whispers, sending a flood of tranquillity to the forefront of my mind "you're all right"

Looking up I walk purposely towards the little archway, that's set back in one of the walls. Passing through the doorway, I stop resting my legs for a moment before continuing on. As I continue on through the passage way it becomes clear that the space is progressively becoming smaller, inch by inch.

The concrete turns to hard packed dirt and the walls lose their strength. Going from impenetrable concrete to flimsy wood before finally evening out into mud. The walkway fills with sudden sunlight.

As I trudge forward, I cover my eyes taking occasional peaks out. My toe hits something hard and I fall. "Crap" I whisper, clutching my toe.

Letting go of my toe I stand back up onto my feet. And wince from the throbbing feeling in it. I continue on further into the tunnel.

My breathe comes out in short puffs. As I reach the small doorway. Grasping the handle, I brace myself and then pull it. It doesn't move. Grasping it again, I give another jerk, with better results. On my last tug it finally squeaks open.

Squinting out, I make out a forest of trees in front of me. Stepping forward, I pause as a small rustle comes from beside me. A scream builds in my throat, threatening to escape.

The rustling moves closer to me. Closer. And closer. And closer. 


Anata wa baka = you are an idiot


Z out

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