Chapter Twenty One - Ryo-no

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Long time no see (well post but whatever)!  Enjoy the chapter from Raphael's POV :)


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Raphael's POV

I walk towards the closet and reach up. My hands shaking as I pull open the brass doors. They slowly swing open with groans and cries of protest.

I shuffle through the room, my nose held up towards the sky. I breathe in. Her scent assaults and overwhelms my nose, calming my angst-ridden wolf.

Months worth of tension rolls off my muscles, slackening and relaxing them as I shuffle deeper into the wardrobe, bathing in her scent.

My thoughts drift to Fiorella.

Is she alright?

It's been almost a month now, and she hasn't woken. Will she wake?

I need her, I need her to drive me crazy. I need her to help me... to save us both. She needs to wake up. For the sake of everyone around us.

I need you... I miss you. Fury, please. Please wake up.

I whimper falling to my knees. The carpet scraping against them, burning pathways of pain up my crumpled form. I relish the pain that spreads from the burns. It is only what I deserve for failing her. For failing my Fury.

My fingers knot in the carpet as I slump. As thoughts and voices bombard my mind left, right and center.

"You're not good enough!" they scream,

"You never were and never will be! That's why she was hurt!" the voices go on and on, screaming abuse over and over. Voices rising in a symphony that crashes against my mind.

"STOP IT! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I cry, clutching my head. My nails dig into the skin surrounding my ears, hot sticky blood dripping down my neck and onto my chest as the onslaught continues.

On and on the voices crow, shattering my walls one after another. They hold me immobile, useless, for what feels like an eternity as they pick away at me.


The words stop as walls of concrete come crashing down around me. My eyelashes cling to my cheeks, slowing any attempt at opening my eyes. Pushing my legs under me, my muscles groan and creak, stiff from disuse as I move further into the closet.

The safe stands in the center of the cupboard, the dark metal blending into the shadows surrounding it. I reach forward, running my fingers along the rough surface of the safe. My fingers search looking for the tell-tale indents that unlock the door.

They finally find their target and I push them into the groove, the door swings open rustling the colourful garments surrounding it. I lean into the box, my shoulders pressed firmly against the outer edges as I pull the piles of Ryo-no closer to me. I stumble back slightly to make room for the metal.

My fingers glide over the outline of a square, pinching the edges slightly as I lift it clear of the safe. Pressing the metal to the top of my shoulder, I watch as the Ryo-no spreads to form my shoulder plates.


I stare blankly at the slight reflection on the closed safe, watching as a square of the metal moulds to form the rest of my armour. I hold the last two squares in my palms, the metal warming from my touch, before placing each at the base of my wrists. They mould to form the last part of my armour, my gauntlets.

I continue to stare at my reflection, my eyes glowering into themselves.

What have I become?

This is not me.

A red haze swells at the back of my mind, gaining strength and speed before slamming into me. Throwing me off balance. The anger surges with the tide blacking out the last of my rational self.

"That is enough!"

Spinning on my heels, I let out a low growl, stalking from the room and slamming the doors on the memories of her and what is happening because of my stupidity.


This is what his armour looks like:

This is what his armour looks like:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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