Fragment Fourteen

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I apologize for my very late update. Summer course was...hectic, and I thought it would never end. It ended. Finally.


"Where did I put them?"

           The endless rummaging that left her apartment look like a junkyard made Jessica panic even more. "Damn it, where did I put those shoes of mine?" She placed her hands on her hips as she looked around her bedroom, ignoring that puddles of shoes and clothes underneath her.

              "Whatever they are, you should leave them," Holly said as she placed her hand on her hip and tugged her friend with her. "The chauffer's been waiting for like twenty minutes outside. In a no parking zone." 

                "I need my shoes, they're the only  travel-friendly pair I have," Jessica insisted. 

             "This is unbelievable; just wear those flats now and get some new shoes at the airport!" Holly said irritably as she threw a pair of black flats laying around in front of Jessica. Jessica sighed in annoyance and gave in to her friend's orders.

               "Good?" Jessica asked her friend as she took a final look at the mirror, she specifically chose black leggings and a white and gray patterned blouse because they flattered her rather skinny figure . Holly nodded while staring at her phone screen. "What am I going to do about this mess?" Jessica said as she flailed her arms at the mess.

                "My God, Jess, can you please stop worrying about your apartment? Rach and I got it covered, now grab your bag and let's go!" Holly said as she still texted.

            "By the way, Jeremy wants to check, he says two suitcases of yours arrived to the airport. They're just two, right?" Holly asked. Jessica nodded and gulped. It was her last hour of not having to see him. 

              Holly threw her phone in her purse. "Great! You're set to go, now can you please just get in the car?" 


 Bite. Bite. Bite.

            Looking at her fingernails, she realized she ruined the manicure she'd gotten in the morning with the biting of her fingernails at the sight of the lounge in the airport, and the sight of the JFK airport by itself on her way to it.  

             She hung her handbag over her shoulder and took another deep breath as she slowed down to a plod.

              Bite. Bite. Bite.

            "Good evening, Ms. Keys," the receptionist at the lounge said with a large smile.

           "Good evening, how are you?" Jessica replied, she wanted to keep this conversation between her and the receptionist as long as possible, withouth her having to stay with Jeremy in the lounge for a long time. They had twenty minutes till takeoff, and Jessica cursed Holly for not letting her take her time look for her shoes; at least by now she would've had twenty minutes or so even though it took her twenty minutes shopping for a pair of comfortable shoes at a nearby Duty Free.

            "You may be seated until your flight is announced," the receptionist concluded their chat.

             Bite. Bite. Bite.

             Jessica pulled down on her blouse and adjusted the strap of her purse on her shoulder as she looked around the lounge that was crowded already. The seats were almost all occupied and the buffet right next to the entrance was almost out of food. She spotted numerous men in suits, but none as handsome as her boss, whom she finally spotted, dressed in a sharp suit yet with a plain white blouse. His hair wasn't as laid back as he'd always fixed it but in a more relaxed fashion. She wanted to forget those quarrels they'd had the past week or so, and just relive the past. The past that had occurred seven years ago

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