Fragment Twenty-Seven

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A constant beep nearly drilled her ears as Jessica pressed her hands against her throbbing head. Her hand was wired to an IV, the annoyance of the needle the least of her worries as her whole body nearly burned from the pain she was in.

           The hospital smelled like medicine and chlorine, making her stomach queasy. She tried to open her eyes but she was just too tired.

          "Hell-Hello?" she tried calling out.

           "Jessica?" she heard a voice reply. She couldn't make out the voice, so she tried her best to open her eyes. She caught a glimpse of brown hair and blue eyes as she smiled and reached out her hand.

          "Mark," she said softly. "You came."

           "Jess, you're an idiot, you know that?" he said as he grabbed her hand. She couldn't see his whole face but his voice was definitely hurt.

            "I'm sorry," she said, still unsure of what had happened.

             "What happened to the other driver?" she tried to say. She heard her words come out as gibberish but she could only hope he'd understand.

           "In a much better state than you," he quipped, with anger in his voice. 

            "Good. It was my fault. I sped like an idiot, Mark. I don't know what got into me. I felt free for a second and I wanted that second to be minute."

             "The other driver was drunk though," he added. 

            "Still, it wouldn't have happened without me," she said. She chewed on her lip, a habit she grew in Clarksville. "Mark?" she called out.

            "Yeah?" she heard him speak. He was undoubtedly tired and she hated herself more for getting him involved in all of this. 

            "Go get some sleep," she said.

             "I did, it's five in the afternoon now. You were unconsious for almost twenty-two hours," he said.

            "Why do I still feel sleepy, then?" she said as she tried to open her eyes back again.

             "Because you need it. Damn it Jess, you nearly killed me," he replied with a chuckled. Jessica tried to smile.

             "Mark?" she asked again.

             "Yeah?" he replied.

            "Where's Jeremy?" 

            She heard him sigh. 

             "Mark?" she said. Her heart sped as she opened her eyes a bit wider this time. "He was the other driver, wasn't he?"

             She could see him shake his head vehemently. "No, no. God no. He, um, well the hospital called him and told him about you," he could only say.

             "And?" she said, she knew there was still some news left he hadn't said.

             "And nothing," he said as he looked at his hands.

             "He hasn't come to visit, has he?" she said quietly. Mark couldn't reply.

              "I'm sure he'll come to check up on you," he said encouragingly. She tried to straighten herself up and looked around the room, but there was only one vase of flowers and she was sure it was from Mark himself.

              "I don't think so," she replied. "Now that I need to be taken care of he hops out of the wagon. What a jerk." She shook her head as a tear escaped her.

            "I made a choice when I left the diner. I wanted to try getting back with him. I guess this is a sign I chose wrong." 

             "Don't say that," he said.

              "He hasn't showed up," she reasoned.

               "He's going to, maybe he's scared to see you like this," he said as he pointed at the numerous sashes and bruises covering her body. 

              "Maybe," she said with a shrug. She rubbed his palm and rested her eyes on his.


                "Hmm?" he said, focusing on her hand and his palm. 

                "Thank you," she said.

                 "For what?"

                 She shrugged. "Everything, I guess."

                 He smiled faintly. "Don't mention it." He got up from his seat and placed a kiss on her forehead. She grabbed his face and lowered him to her level, and leaned in for a kiss. It was momentary, but it  also felt forever. She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

                  "Jess-" he tried to speak, but she placed a finger on his lips. 

                  "Jessica?" she heard another voice say. Jeremy was at the door, with a bouquet of flowers in hand. His face was never more angered, even more than what she had thought she'd seen. He threw the flowers on a nearby chair and stormed out of the room.

                   "Jeremy," she tried to call out, but it was too late.

                    "What the hell, Jessica?" Mark said as he pulled away.

                     "I'm so confused, Mark, I don't know."

                   "So I'm, what, your plan B now?" he replied. Jessica shook her head in confusion, for a moment there she wished she had died in the crash, but now she was torn.

                       "Answer me, Jessica. What is it going to be?" he replied angrily. It hurt her to see him like this, to see Jeremy like this, and she'd never been so torn before.

                     "I don't know," she cried out, burrying her face in her hands.

                       "How about this, I'll give you one less option to worry about," he said as he grabbed his phone from the table nearby. "I'm sorry I have to leave like this but I have no choice." 

                      He stood by the door and turned to talk to her before leaving.

                         "Just take care of yourself." 

What Connects Us: Jessica and JeremyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon