Fragment Twenty-One

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So sorry for the super-late update. Uni started with a bang. It is definitely the most hectic course I've had so far.

Anyway, here's the fragment! I was a bit disappointed I introduced a third character, as I am not a fan of cliché events, but I do like playing with them so I'll see how this goes! :)


"Thank you for your time, gentlemen," Jeremy started as the men and Jessica had stood from their seats. Mark gave Jessica a soft smile, in which Jessica had a hard time returning it.

       Mr. Jameson, Mark's father, shook Jeremy's hand, "Always a pleasure working with the Finley's," he said. "Send my regards to your father. By the way I assume you've moved into the Inn, is that correct?" he asked. 

       "Yes that's true. My father has plans on redeveloping the estate, it's a 'two birds one stone case', really. The first is for me and Ms. Keys to have somewhere to reside for the next couple of months and the other is to help form ideas into recreating the Inn," Jeremy said. Jessica nodded with Jeremy, hoping to make herself useful in the conversation.

       "Ah, I see," Mr. Jameson replied. "You two have a nice stay, we'll discuss further plans soon. It was nice to finally meet you, Jeremy. I've heard some great things about you, and you too Ms. Keys. Your resume is quite impeccable," he said, turning to the blushing woman.

         "Thank you, Mr. Jameson."

       "I agree," Mark chimed in with a sly smile. "Very impressive." Jessica swallowed hard and nodded in appreciation, trying to brush away the heat tingling through her body. 

        "We should be leaving, thank you for your time," Jeremy interrupted as he opened the door of the meeting room. Jessica chewed on her lip, was Jeremy affected by Mark's words?

        "Thank you," Jessica said to the men before following Jeremy outside the meeting room. Mark waved at her briefly, but she only smiled. They got into Jeremy's Lambourghini as Jeremy revved the car outside the small office. 

        "I think that went well," Jessica stated as she pulled the seatbelt. Jeremy paid less attention to her and more attention to the road.

        "I didn't know you knew Mark," he simply said. 

        Jessica caught her breath and soon shrugged her nerves away. "We met yesterday at the diner. I didn't know he worked at Jameson," she said.

        Jeremy scoffed, "Worked? The guy almost owns the company." 

         Jessica rolled her eyes. "I don't see how this changes things."

       "I hope it doesn't," Jeremy said as he sped the car further. "I don't feel comfortable with you having a relationship with him on a personal level, just so you know. Things should be strictly professional." 

          "So what is that the mysterious reason you've been trying to hide from me? I worked at the company you will own and you felt embarrassed to be married to a regular employee?" she began, cocking a brow. Jeremy tightened his hands against the leather steering wheel.

         "Don't open closed doors, Jessica." Jeremy clenched his jaw.

         "So that's the reason, isn't it?" she said.

        "No, it's not!" Jeremy yelled. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes momentarily. "You will never understand," he muttered.

         "Well, try me. Come on." Jessica said as she raised her voice.

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