Fragment One

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 A/N: This used to be on my story What Connects Us. I realized it got a lot of reads apart from The White's story, so I separated their story in a different book. 



Seven years ago.

     Sorry, can't make it,


       Jessica Finely sighed as she deleted the text message sent from her husband, Jeremy. He was quite a busy bee ever since his father appointed him as a financial manager. Jessica only saw her husband when he returned late at night, and woke up to see nothing but creases on his side of the bed to prove he had been in the same bed with her. He spent his weekends traveling around the world to sign contracts with other companies, and begged her not to go with him because they were too exhausting. 

      She sipped the glass of water and sliced a piece of her steak which she had made herself. Jessica had known that Jeremy was free for the night so she set up a dinner at their loft; complete with a bouquet of flowers, elegant chinas and of course, and the ineluctable candles. 

      Jessica put her fork and knife down, she wasn't emotionally content to eat. She got up from her chair and cleared the glass table, throwing the food regrettably in the trash can. Jessica cleaned the table before heading to her room to change.

      She opened her closet and took out her pyjamas, trying to ignore the clothes next to hers, which belonged to her husband. She did have thoughts of what he might have been up to, and of course cheating was on the top of the list. She automatically felt bad about it, but she was sick of her husband never being there.  

       She put on her pyjamas and brushed her teeth till they bled, combed her hair till it hurt, and turned off the lights before calling it a night.

What Connects Us: Jessica and JeremyWhere stories live. Discover now