Fragment Twenty-Six

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The clock ticked loudly in the almost empty diner. Jessica glanced at her phone; it was 7:15. She still couldn't believe Jeremy asked her to stay, and after the confession he had made in the car, it was a complete change of course.

           "Refill, honey?" the hostess, Meg said. Jessica shook her head as she adjusted herself on the stool by the counter. 

           "I'm afraid I'm going to fill up thanks," she said. She waved a hand through her hair and glanced behind her at the window. She was conflicted and needed a second opinion. She knew she shouldn't mix business with pleasure but she trusted Mark for some reason. 

             She tapped her fingers against the class of her milkshake. Jeremy had told her he still  loved him, and she did love him back too, but after all that had happened she felt like he had taken her for granted, quickly selling her off for a love he was trying so hard to obtain.

               "Hey, sorry I'm late," Mark interrupted her thoughts. He gave her half a hug as he greeted the hostess and ordered a plate of cheese fries for them to share. He was still in a suit but without a tie, and Jessica smiled to herself at how he still showed up in spite of his heavy schedule.

              "So, what's new?" he said as he gave her a friendly smile. She smiled back at him.

              "Thank you for coming, Mark," she said with an almost apologetic tone.

               "Ah don't mention it, I needed someone I could actually have fun with. It's been a really long day," he said as he took a sip of his coffee. "Everything alright?" he said as he noticed her saddened expression. "You look...conflicted."

               She gave him half a smile and a shrug. "You can read me well."

               "You're sort of an open book, love," he said, causing her to blush at his usage of the word "love". "So, what is it?"

             She sighed deeply, hoping he would understand what that meant as well.

               "Jeremy?" he guessed. She nodded. She took a deep breath and decided to explain to him what had happened in the car; she needed a second judgment badly. She couldn't call Holly because she would freak knowing he tried to reconnect with their mother, so Mark was all she had.

                "I'm sorry I'm dragging you into this," she said as she shook her head in embarrassment. 

                 "Hey," he said as he placed a comforting hand on hers. "I'm your friend, sure a potential business partner as well, but you can trust me," he assured with a smile.

                  "Do you want my input?" he asked as he stuffed two cheesy fries in his mouth. She nodded.

                "He left you once so what makes you so sure he won't do it again?" he asked. Her heart stopped for a moment as she shook her head. It was almost exactly what she had told Jeremy about his mother, but she did not want to believe it, she couldn't.

               "But he wants to get back with me. He said he still needs me, Mark," she tried to defend herself.

            "And he won't need you when he realizes he still needs his mother's affection. He doesn't deserve you. You love him, I know and it shows, but Jessica for the love of God, please do not shoot yourself in the foot. You're going to realize you're better off without him, I promise you," he said as he looked straight into her eyes.

                Jessica looked around the diner, taking in his words with caution. 

               "I can't tell what you're thinking now," Mark tried to joke, but she didn't crack a smile.

               "It's hard, I know," he sympathized.

              "Have you ever been in this position before?" she asked. "Where you know you love someone, wanting them to love you back and as soon as they do the whole plan changes and you don't know where you stand in all of this?" she clarified.

               Mark smiled at her. "Here's where it gets interesting, Jessica," he said as he grew closer to her.

               "I was never in a relationship."

               Jessica began to laugh. "What?" she said in disbelief.

               "Love guru never in a relationship!" she exclaimed.

               "It's true! Still baffles me," Meg pitched in. "And if I may put in my two cents, I agree with him. Leave him, if he doesn't realize your worth then he isn't worth having you," she said as she wiped a spot on the counter next to them. 

              Jessica smiled at her. "Thank you," she said. She chewed on her lip in frustration and stood up from the stool, hugging Mark.

                "I think I know my decision," she said as she took in a deep breath. She saw Mark's eyes widen, but he quickly swallowed his words, afraid to ask. Jessica wondered if he liked her more than a friend, and maybe that was why he'd told her to leave Jeremy. But with what the hostess had said, it did make sense, and she felt as if his words were truly genuine and he was truly looking out for her.

                   He gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I hope whatever you choose will make you happy," he added with a smile. His blue eyes glistened for a moment underneath the fluorescent lights, and Jessica replied with a smile.

                 "Good luck, Jessica," Meg cried out as Jessica opened the door of the diner. She waved at the two and got into her Aston Martin to make her final decision.

                     She revved the engine to life and got on the main road to head home. The roar of the motor was comforting and the rush of adrenaline was celestial on the empty road. She had the liberty in the suburbs to drive however she wanted; the roads were clear and she was alone. She opened the windows, letting the wind blow through her hair as she reveled in the blur of greens and black outside. She pressed on the pedal a bit further. Her heart began to speed as she saw a sets of headlights racing towards her and she stepped on the break, but the car sped out of control.

               "Please, God, no," she prayed.

             But a few seconds later, the two cars collided.

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