Fragment Twenty-Eight

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"The  chocolate pudding's better," the male nurse told Jessica in a tone a bit too...friendly as she picked the vanilla pudding. She rolled her eyes inadvertantly, it wasn't like she needed a third person in her life. 

           She opened the lid and dug out the pudding with her spoon, stuffing it in since it was her only source of comfort food, and the only thing she could eat.

              It was nearly ten in the morning, and neither Jeremy nor Mark visited her since their argument last nigh. She wanted to punch herself a million times for her recklessness, for her vulnerability and naivity. She didn't want any of this to happen. 

            "Anything else, Ms. Keys?" he asked. Jessica shook her head. 

            "I'll leave you, then," he said as he closed the door behind him with a flirtatious smile.

             "Ugh," she said to herself. She switched a sports channel on and just watched it to pass the time.

            "Ms. Keys?" a female nurse this time said as she popped her head through the door.

              "Yeah?" Jessica replied with a bored tone.

                "A visitor's here to see you," she said. Jessica groaned, she wasn't ready to speak to any of them. She still didn't know where she stood.

              "You idiot, you complete idiot!" a voice she missed shrieked through the room. Holly squeezed Jessica in a big hug, forgetting how much pain Jessica was probably in.

                 "What the hell happened?" Holly screamed as she took a long look at her best friend's bad state. she took a seat next to her and sat close to her. Jessica took a moment to smile at her.

               'You have no idea how happy I am to see you, Hol," she said as tears clouded her vision. She never realized how lonely she felt until Holly showed up. Holly punched her lightly on her arm.

                  "You needed to get in a car accident to see me, didn't you?"   Holly joked. Jessica chuckled as she straightened herself up the bed, groaning at the pain shooting up her arm.

              "So, what happened?" Holly asked again when Jessica hadn't answered.

               "I don't want to talk about it, I was being stupid with the speeding," Jessica replied as she shook her head.

             "Not that, God don't depress me even more. What happened with Jeremy? And isn't he supposed to be here?" Holly said as she looked around.

                "It's a long story," Jessica replied. She didn't want to tell Holly about his relationship with their mother.

                  "My plane is in two days," Holly said as she straightened her skirt out.

                 Jessica sighed and knew how she would work her way through the whole thing without mentioning anything about what'd happened in France.

              "There's another guy," she bluntly stated. Holly's face wrinkled with disappointment. Her lips parted to object but Jessica beat her to the talking.

                "He's honestly more comfortable to be around than Jeremy. It was like Jeremy was in a trance the whole time, "  she said (which was partially true with his mother). "But all of a sudden he cracked and got out of it, and it's like he's his old self again," she said with a shrug. She didn't know what the point of telling Holly was. Either way she would still tell her to go back to her brother, but she might have a change of heart.

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