Fragment Twenty-Five

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I think there are about two fragments left! Finally! I think I've dragged it a bit too's the fragment you all have been waiting for! :)


The evening was a colorful canvas painted in different shades of pinks and oranges on a clear view of greenery. Jessica sighed as she enjoyed her final sunset by the pool, taking a huge sip of store-bought strawberry and banana smoothie. She had just finished watching an old black and white movie alone in the cinema room, a room she regrettably hadn't made the best of. 

                 "The driver's ready," Jessica turned around to see Jeremy looking sharp in a suit. 

                  "I'll just grab my bag from my bedroom," she said. Jeremy nodded and left to inform the driver. She was still angry at Jeremy but she didn't want her anger to get the best of her, especially since it was going to be the last hour with him. Her foot was still hurting her but it still wasn't an excuse to stay longer. She walked unsteadily up the stairs for the last time and to her bedroom. She placed her bag across her body and took a last view of the room. Jessica closed the door behind her and an idea hit her on the way out. She knew she'd be dead if she was caught but she literally had nothing to lose. 

             Jessica sneaked into the room next door, careful not to shut the door behind her. She looked around for whatever it is that was helpful to her. She didn't know exactly what she was looking for, but at the same time she kind of knew. She opened his laptop sitting on his study. She had last opened his laptop on the plane, but she couldn't find anything helpful. She hoped this time was different.

            For a start it was password protected, unlike last time. She chewed on her lip as she tried his birthday, and next his phone number, then his name, and a combination of sorts, but nothing worked.

              "Hmm," she said. She typed "Arkansas", since he only added the password after he'd moved.

             The password was a success. 

              "Come on," she told herself as she realized she realized she had taken a suspicious amount of time for getting a bag. 

               She went on his webpages and an email page was on. She felt really bad for invading his privacy like that, but again he did the same to her.

               Several emails with the initials E.N.  filled his inbox. She clicked on one of them but it was in French, she tried other emails but they were all in French as well. It was too late to translate so she took a picture of one of the emails on her phone to decipher on the car ride to the airport.  

               She heard Jeremy's voice outside the room soo she quickly folded the laptop and ran outside his room, but it was too late. He already saw her.

               "What are you doing here?" he asked with suspicion. Her face was blank and her mouth was dry.

                "I-I, um, I'm sorry, I was looking for more bandages, you know, for the plane?" she said, hoping he'd believe her. Much to her luck he gave her a break, or a break from a potential argument and went to the bathroom to gather some bandages for her.

                  "Thanks," she said as she stashed them in her purse. 

                  "The driver's waiting," he said. 

                    "Actually, can we go in the Aston Martin?" she suggested, she was dying to get on it again.

                  "I'm not sure if Smith's capable of driving it. I suppose I'll drive you in it; it is late and we do need a faster vehicle," he agreed. There were thre hours left for the plane, but with the ride to Clarksville station and from there to Little Rock, there was barely enough time.

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