Fragment Twenty-Four

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Jessica woke up with the sun glaring in her eyes, realizing she had slept with the curtains open while she the earlier scenes with Jeremy sent her happily to sleep. She looked at the clock next to her, it was 8:10 in the morning. She got up and brushed her teeth and washed her face. She slipped on some slippers and tied her hair up in a messy bun.        

             While she walked to the stairs she checked her phone for new messages from Mark, but nothing yet. She was still confused as to how Mark saw her. She shook her head and stuffed her phone in the pocket of her shorts. 

        She ran down the stairs, skipping one step as she went down. She had a new feeling inside her, a feeling she hadn't felt in a very long time, giddy but euphoric. She walked in the large kitchen and poured herself some bran cereal and milk, mixing honey in for a boost of flavor. Jessica took the bowl out to the patio by the pool and ate her breakfast looking at the landscape in front of her; a pigeon glided on the surface of the lake before taking off again. She heard some noise coming from her right, Jeremy was standing at his balcony having some coffee. 

       Jessica squinted her eyes and smiled. "Good morning," she shouted out.

         Jeremy, who had appeared either disinterested in her being there or if he had genuinely hadn't seen her, held an impassive facial expression. Perhaps it was the former. "Good morning," he replied flatly, taking a sip of his coffee.

      "Any plans for today?" she asked, a bit disappointed at his reply, especially since all her hopes had been restored from last night.

        "Not really, just work," he said with a shrug.

         "Oh," she simply replied. "Well do you want any breakfast? We have eggs," she suggested.

          "No, thank you." He took another look at the view outside before stepping inside his suite. Jessica sighed in annoyance and pulled out her phone.

            I need your help.

          She sent the text to Mark. She partially regretted it after she had sent it, she didn't really want a person who was a business target, also be someone who helped her in her private affairs. To her surprise, he had texted her back almost immediately.

           Never thought you'd ask. I can't pass by, in the city. Can I call?

         Jessica bit her lip as she contemplated whether she should call him or not. She stepped inside the gym connected to the swimming pool and circled around the door. She pressed call.

         "Jessica! Good to hear from you!" he declared as soon as he picked up.

         She smiled. "Hey, Mark."

          "So is everything alright?" he asked.

         "Not really, no," she said with a sigh.

          "What is it?" he asked with 

          "I don't know, Mark. Everything and nothing," she said with another sigh.

           "We're still up for dinner tonight at the diner, aren't we?" he asked. She had completely forgotten.

            "Oh yeah, yeah we are," she said, rolling her eyes at herself.

            "How about this, we'll meet up there at seven as we'd agreed and we'll work through this. Don't worry about a thing. Is what I'd suggested working?" he asked.

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