The Escape

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Tears fell from Papa's eyes.

Papa- Is it really you Sophia? Tell me.

Me- Yes Papa its me.

Papa- By the time i get out of this horrible prison, I promise to always be with you. Never again will we leave you. Oh I've been waiting so long for this day and it has finally come! Our family is back together again. How did you come to find us? What happened?

Me- I know you have many questions Dad, but I have come for one specific reason.

Papa- What is that reason?

Me- I've come to help you escape out of the prison. I even brought some friends along. This is Oliver.

Oliver- Hello sir. Its an honor to meet you.

Papa- Hello Oliver. I would like to thank you for helping Sophia rescue us. It means alot.

Oliver- No problem at all sir. My pleasure.

Papa- I have some news. Your mother and siblings were taken to another cell.

Me- Oh no! Which one Papa?

Papa- It was Cell W. The one with the rowdy Wynoski family.

Me- Don't worry papa. One of my friends are the guard of that cell. I think its Ruby.

Papa- What a lifesaver!

Me- Ok dad. You can't stay here much longer. We have to set you free. After that we'll go rescue mama and my siblings.

Papa- Ok. Do what you have to do. I'm anxious to get out of this rancid dump.

I used the key that the guard gave me to unlock the cell my dad was in.Thereafter, he leapt up and gave me a big hug. I was incredibly astounded to see the love my father had for me. To be honest, I thought he was going to be angry with me for coming so late. I thought he would've complained and said why didn't you come sooner? Your family was here in a prison for three years and you couldn't come and rescue them on day one? You should be ashamed of yourself you foolish child. I don't want to see you ever again.Luckily, I was wrong. The moment my dad laid his eyes on me, he embraced my presence. He was happy too see me and I was glad as well. This was the best night ever. For the 1st time in a long time,my heart was filled with tremendous delight.

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