Change of mind

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Mr.Wynoski- Wait up! I take back what I said. My kids barely eat here and my wife is rarely happy in this place. Please forgive me. We just want to get out of here!

Me- Just the words I wanted to hear.Papa Mr.Wynoski has finally come to his senses. Should we free him?

Papa- Go for it.

Me- Ruby unlock the cell again so we can free the Wynoskis.

The cell was unlocked.

Me- Ok people. Let's go.

As we walk the hallway with the Wynoskis, a guard follows us suspiciously. I walk up to him and try to see what the deal is.

Me- Um hi. You've been following us for some time now. Is there a problem?

Guard- There are so many guards and so many prisoners.

Me- What do you mean?

Guard- Weren't there 2 guards assigned to Cell V and one to Cell W ?

I pause to think for a moment. This guy is onto us! How can I get him off our back? Suddenly I get an idea. I decided to use the excuse that I wanted to use for my family.

Me- Yes there were. Your point is?

Guard- I see 9 guards and 5 prisoners. Something is going on here.

Me- You sure are right! These prisoners were intentionally disrespecting us guards. One guard wasn't enough to handle them so the warden ordered 9 off duty guards to watch them day and night. I mean give me a break, its the rowdy Wynoski family! They became so much to handle that the other guards and I decided to take them to the warden to see what he wants to do with them.

Guard- Well then, I guess I was wrong after all. Sorry for the assumption fellow guard. Have a nice day!

Phew! That was a close one! Another incident like that and we'll be toast!

Ruby- Now that the plan has gone through so far, we have to call Sonia and Anne.

Sophia- Ok. I'll call Anne. You can call Sonia.

Ruby- Okay.

I take out my phone and call Anne. The phone rings and she picks up.

Me- Hello?

Anne- Hey Sophia. Have you gotten your family yet?

Me- Yeah but we have another family coming along....

Anne- Are you kidding me?! What happened?

Me- Its a long story. I'll tell you later. Oliver and Ruby are with me. We are by Cell K. So you can start coming now.

Anne- Ok bye.

Me-See you soon.

Fight to the FinishDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora