Chapter 21 | Because I don't believe you

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Chapter 21: Because I don't believe you

It's been two weeks. I haven't spoken or made eye contact with Mason. Although sometimes I catch his gaze on me, we don't speak. We don't say a word to eachother. I tried my best to change my seat in English but of course Mrs. Wilson hates me now and she'd do anything to have me suffer.

Even though I'm not speaking to anyone from my old group, I do have friends. I'm mostly friends with the seniors though. Isaiah let's me sit at his table everyday with his girlfriend and a few of his other friends Gio, Reece, and Alec. They weren't bad, they didn't treat me like shit and I enjoyed lunch time with them.

Today was the last day before Winter break. Once this day ends I can get on a plane and head out to my Grandmother's house for the Holiday's. I'm glad I'm going to her house for Winter Break. At first she was going to fly to us but after a lot of begging I got my dad to let us go there instead.

Art class was basically terrible everyday. I sat far away from Mason and Kendall and I never tried to make any sort of conversation with them. Not like they were trying either. They basically gave up on me, which I'm fine with.

I don't want to talk about my old crush on Mason, and I don't want to talk to Kendall for blabbing about it. Yes, I still have a crush on Mason but I'm not going to act on it now. It's clear he doesn't like me. Just like it's also clear we aren't friends anymore.

I stood at my locker putting things away I didn't need when my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my back pocket to see a Texas number calling. I answered it only to hear Liam's voice talking into the phone. "Hello?" I said.

"Dayna! Hi!" He replied. "We got to talk." He adds.

"I'm about to leave school, what is it?" I ask him as I closed my locker shut.

"Kendall told me you aren't talking to her because she snitched about you crushing on Mason." He spoke. I groaned, I'm not talking about this.

"I don't want to talk about this. I have a flight to catch in a few hours and I still haven't packed." I told Liam as I gripped my phone in my hand trying to make sure none of these people shove into me and I drop it. The hallway felt crowdier than usual. But then again, it's the last day before break nobody's staying after today.. they're rushing to get home. Just like I am.

"We have to! Now are you guys dating?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "No we aren't and we probably never will considering I haven't talked to him since that day."

"I heard you guys kissed." Liam grimaces. I laugh as I think back to the day a couple weeks ago in that janitors closet. We were hiding because of the weed I had in my bag. I'm still surprised the school hasn't said anything about us not being present for our third period class.

"Yeah we did, like twice. It's no biggie though." I told Liam.

"It is to me." Liam says. "But enough about that, talk to my cousin please." He pleaded.

I kept pushing my way through people to get out the exit door, once I fully escaped I talked to Liam some more. "No. What she did is unacceptable. She made a promise and she broke it."

"But she's been upset for two damn weeks she calls me every single day begging for me to get you to talk to her. I told her countless of times that you'll come around sooner or later but she said she can't wait until later because she misses you way too much." Liam explains. "Just do something, even if you have to talk to her for a second telling her to fuck off or something. Just make her stop calling me."

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