Chapter 55

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It had been almost a week since the incident in the office when Blythe awoke one morning feeling rested and renewed, sensing her pride was on the mend. It wasn't until she found Heathe in the kitchen preparing a pot of chili for dinner that she learned her husband was away from the ranch for the day. According to the gentle giant, he'd left early in the morning while she still slumbered peacefully and dreamless. Surprising even herself, she felt as if a weight had been lifted and began to relax.

Heathe was spending a lot of time in the house lately, doing chores that had been Mrs. Manford's and Blythe had no sympathy for his domestic plight. Clearly considering it the men's problem for running everyone off like they had, she'd made no effort to assist and gloated, knowing it galled Heathe for her to sit idly by and watch in amused silence as he struggled with his duties. Besides, Blythe thought, it served him right for following Nate's every whim so blindly.

Her husband, on the other hand, spent most of his time outdoors, handling the ranch chores. Occasionally, Harvey or one of the field hands would meet him at the gate and come in long enough to help then be escorted out by Nate or Heathe, the gate securely locked behind them. She probably wouldn't even have noticed his absence if the brawny blond hadn't mentioned it when she came down for a late breakfast.

Haltingly, Heathe had also mentioned he would be at her service, to accompany her anywhere she wished, provided it was on the grounds. It was obvious he'd been ordered to chaperon her and though irritated, Blythe decided to make the best of it and have him take her riding. She hadn't been near the horses or the stable since the attack on Joey and Rene and she felt desperate to see Thunderboomer again.

It had been easy to talk Heathe into bringing the horses to the house, sparing her from going to the stable. Amazingly, the two shared a pleasant leisurely ride, politely chatting about the weather, horses, the problems they'd had with the cattle, while Wolf and Erine followed contentedly behind, stopping occasionally to heist a leg on a bush or scurry after a frightened hare as it rushed to hide in the chaparral.

The dogs had grown accustomed to the constant presence of Heathe puttering about the house and no longer growled or raised their hackles when he walked by. Since the area was securely locked now and no visitors were allowed in unless to help Nate, Blythe had decided it safe to let the hounds run loose. But even though they were allowed to roam the ranch freely, they chose to stay close to Blythe at the main house.

At night, they'd whine and scratch at the back door till invited in, following on their mistress's heels until she went to bed. Even then, the dogs weren't content unless locked in the room with her. There, they'd stretch out next to the daybed and she would have to be careful not to stumble over one when getting up.

Nate and the dogs, on the other hand, lived in peaceful co-existence with each other. He neither kicked them out of the way nor did he stop to pet their great maned heads as he rushed by, always in a hurry. They, in turn, would roll pale blue eyes and bristled as he passed. More than once, Blythe had seen a thin black lip curl back to expose sharp white teeth, dagger-like fangs. It seemed an ominous sign that her boys had the same portentous reactions to Nate that she did, and she couldn't help wondering if they would defend her if he really did try to harm her.

Strangely enough, Blythe found herself growing fonder of Heathe, who genuinely appeared one of the gentlest men she'd ever known. And though she was beginning to comprehend her husband's complete trust in him, she had to keep reminding herself that her growing fondness was not without reservations. Even if Heathe was Nate's most valued friend, it was that very thing that also made him her jailer, and she had no way of knowing to what extent his loyalty would prevail or at what point his gentle nature would crack to expose a Mr. Hyde that might lie dormant inside.

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