Chapter 67

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"Christ Almighty, Nathan, where in the fuck have you been?" Heathe asked, jumping to his feet as his friend entered the kitchen. "Vega called my place. He was goin' ape-shit...said you tried to kill him, was threatening to call the police, have you busted. I rushed right over and waited."

"Thanks. Here, do something with this. Bury it, toss it in a lake, something," Nate said exhaustedly, handing the pistol to his friend.

"Shit, you really did try to kill him!"

Nate looked amused. "If I'd tried to kill him, he'd be dead." And seeing the bewildered look on Heathe's face, he went on, explaining in detail what happened. "So, I want you to get back to the little prick, tell him to go right ahead and call the police. I have a few things I'd like to talk to them about myself, like mail fraud, drug use and distribution, statutory rape. Let him know I'm having everything audited and might be adding embezzlement to the list. That ought to get him scurrying. I'm sure I can think of more."

He grinned. "It'll be my pleasure."

Nate was pensive for a few seconds. "It will. Won't it?

The affable blond nodded. "I've been waiting over twenty years for you to figure out what a slimy little creep he is."

"Why didn't you say something? I just thought your all's personalities clashed."

Heathe shrugged. "I dunno. I suppose cuz I looked up to you so much when we were kids. I figured if he was okay by you then maybe I was wrong, maybe I was just pissed about the river thing, holding a grudge. Then after Vietnam, I had my own problems and you helped me again. I changed and was able to help you when you needed me. I thought maybe it was the same for Vega. He's a little shit but I never caught him at anything particularly detrimental or harmful. So, I figured I was biased and you had enough shit to deal with, without me actin' like a jealous kid, griping about him all the time."

"It would never have entered my mind that you had anything but my best interests at heart. Never!

"I know, but you didn't need the hassle. Ironic, isn't it? Maybe, if I had done something, gotten you to run the bastard off years ago, none of this would be happening now."

Nate rubbed his forehead. "And what if Eddie hadn't been around to get Grady and Chance to look at me as a performer? I probably wouldn't have met Blythe at all. God, Heathe, we can't all go back to what if or we'll go crazy for sure. You've been a good, loyal friend...the best! That's all that's important."

They smiled warmly at one another then in a burst of energy, Nate went on about Eddie. "Tell Vega that as soon as the Turn of the Decade Tour's over and we're through with the Coming Home Concert New Year's Eve, he's through, too. If he gives you any guff, ask him who the police are gonna believe, a known degenerate or me, that lovable folk hero." The last words were spoken mockingly. "If he refuses to back out of the contracts peaceably, tell him I've got proof of his offenses and I won't hesitate to use them and that Debbie might be very interested in getting details about his dalliances for her divorce case."

"Gottcha!" Heathe said eager to get to his task.

"Conan!" Nate called after him. Heathe swung round, lit with enthusiasm. "Even though I didn't kill him, you gotta know he's dead to me. But I don't hold you to anything. Personally, you do whatever you want where he's concerned. If you wanna stay in contact, do it. If you wanna nail his ass to a cross, be my guest. It's up to you."

"Hell, boss, he ain't dead to me," Heathe answered jubilantly. "He never even existed." And he hurried from the room, remembering how Blythe had asked him just how far he'd go to protect Nate, if he'd cover up for him, lie for him. Oh yeah, he thought, he'd lie. As far as he was concerned, Nathan Wade had never left the house that night and he'd been with him the whole time going over the books.

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