Taken: Part 5

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All Brian managed to get on was his pants before he stormed through the entrance doors of the Drell Institute. One of the younger kids was munching on the bag of chips and freaked out, seeing the slightly damp and shirtless young man displaying erratic behavior. She raced down the hallway barefoot until he reached Doctor Drell's office. He knocked on the door very loudly which came to the attention the people inside. The door was open by a small brown-haired woman who looked surprised to see him.

"Brian, what's wrong?" he heard doctor Drell say.

He was still trying to catch his breath, but he managed to get a few words out. "It took her." He quickly put his shirt back on not realizing he still had not put it back on.

Laura Demsey was also in the office and was standing, but after hearing Brian's words she slumped back down into her seat. "What did it look like?" she asked, but Brian just shook his head.

"It didn't see it, but whatever it was it must have flown," Brian said and tried to calm himself. "There were two scents in the water, Gina's and something else. It wasn't a fish or anything else that could be a land and water dweller. It could have been a bird, or something bird-like."

"Where was she taken?" Doctor Drell asked as he walked cross his desk to check on Laura.

"The dock," he said and looked over at the woman who was trying to maintain her composure. "Just like Laura said."

"What are we going to do?" the brown-haired woman said.

She looked to Doctor Drell for an answer. "Julia, I've already done some research on the image that Laura has drawn. This is the creature she saw in her dream." Brian looked at the picture studying it for a few moments.

"Well, this explains why I didn't find any feathers on or around the dock," Brian said, scratching his head trying to figure out what was going on. "There's just one problem. This doesn't tell us how to find her."

"Perhaps not, but there is one man I know of that knows how to track these creatures," Doctor Drell said and wrote something down on his notepad.

"What exactly is this thing, some new kind of Sadian we don't know about, or something else?" Brian asked.

"It's not a Sadian, it's a Demonis," Drell said and took back the drawing. "They are an ancient race, but what they would want with a sickly dormant Sadian I can't say."

"It's because her powers are close to manifesting," Laura stood up and said. "I don't think this creature is acting alone. There's some dark creature behind this, someone not of this world."

"Is there any DNA of this creature left at the crime scene?" Julia asked, looking over at Brian. He looked confused by the question.

"Brian, this is Julia Donner," Drell said, and Brian finally shook her hand. All I need is a small sample, and I will be able to tell you if any others Sadians or non-human creatures it came in contact with it.

"The only way to know for sure is to take a trip to the docks," Brian said and stepped towards the door.

"Lead the way," Julia said and followed him out.

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