#11 - Catching You All Up

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Hi people who I have no idea why they are reading this.
It is I, Huda, back once again with my boring tales of everyday life through my eyes.

So, it's been a while, nearly an entire year and thats pretty shitty of me but oh, well.

Okay, so I am in my second (and last) year of A Levels, or sixth form, or high school, and it's off to university next year!
I'll either be staying in Pakistan and doing medicine, or going abroad and doing pastry, I have no idea yet but I still need to ace my papers otherwise 'log kya kahen gay?'

Okay so, what else has changed? Uh..
Oh! I became the Vice President of our school's Blogging Society, for the lulz. Its a pretty cool thing especially since everyone in the society is insanely weird.

Two of my good friends (who are in a relationship that gives me headaches) are the deputy head boy and girl. Its pretty awesome.

My best friend changed schools for teachers. Another bestie shifted to Quetta because air force brat. My other best friends have fights on a regular basis and I flunked my physics midterm.

Mocks are just round the corner and CIEs (yearly exams) are around the block.
Farewell is coming up.
High school is ending and I've been having an insane amount of mixed feelings about it because I've spent 7 years in this school. 7. Thats a long time.
The red bricks call out to me and make me nostalgic.
I am now seventeen and three quarters. And I am still a virgin to pretty much everything since I'm a shareef si bachi.

All in all, a craptastically epic yet heartbreaking year. So far.



22nd March 2016

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