#6 - Cousins From A Mystical Faraway Land.

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#6 : Cousins from a Mystical Faraway Land.

Haylooo I ist back and I am now OFFICIALLY sixteen.

My birthday passed a couple days ago and I am just really incredibly happy on my birthdays amd just on a huge sugar rush because I always have candy for breakfast and it just it's MY day okay because I get to do exactly what I do everyday, but on this special day, I don't get yelled at for doing it!

Anywhoo, one of the main things that happened on my birthday was that one of my dad's brothers, and his entire family, came to Pakistan after a couple years and it was the first time in five years when all five brothers were in the same room together and it creeped me out a little, but made me 'aww' too.

Now his kids, three of them, all boys. The eldest is four months older than me, then three years younger and then I think six years younger.

Now, as I tend to ramble alot to my closest cousin (Lets call her W)z in English, we sorta switch from English to Urdu to back to English without even noticing it, the rest of my cousins and siblings DO. NOT.

Granted they are little kids and dont know English all that well, but infront of the Americans? Oh God.

W and I were laughing the entire time because they were just trying so hard to impress these three 'exotic' kids and they were just all

-'Wair aare yew gaing?'

-'Waat aare yew looking four?'

-'Thaat is so cool'

And my laughter was reminiscent of diarrhoea.

I just couldn't hold it in. XD

That's all for now, y'all.



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