Pray For Peshawar

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I'm putting this up, because I have finally gathered my thoughts enough to post about it. About what a horrible tragedy it was and how even when the world thinks the worst of us, we Pakistanis DO protect our own wherever we can.

The sixteenth of December was a tragic day in the history of Pakistan. Over 132 children were brutally murdered for no reason apart from the fact that they were children of the army.

This attack was directed towards the children, because that is the fastest way to hurt any parent. And when you target a school like the Army Public School and College, where, more than half of the population is an army brat, then you are bound to anger the Army.

For those of you who will believe anything the western media says, let me put you straight.

No. Those children were NOT killed because they were going to school. That is a horrible portrayal of our country, and you should be ashamed for believing it for even a second.

They were martyred because they were the progeny of the Pak Army.

What happened?

It was a normal school day. There were papers going on in the high school level classes, there was a program going on in the auditorium with an Army official called in, to teach the kids about first aid.

And then; this van enters the school, with men inside wearing police uniforms.

Obviously, the school guard let them in.

These men, killed the guard, they got out of their van, and set it on fire.

A few classes found out something was wrong and there were terrorists in the school and they all got down on the floor, and hid under their desk.

Unfortunately, these were tge classes closest to the burning van outside; so the men entered them first; blindly shooting.

Reports by survivors say that they yelled out 'Allahu Akbar.' and were talking to each other in Arabic.

Now, the auditorium, there were about 100 children there alone. And not one of them survived.

Two suicide bombers exploded themselves and then there were others blindly shooting.

There were a total of fourteen terrorists.

The whole country watched in horror as there was bomb blast; after bomb blast.

It was like it would never end.

The rest you can figure out.

The Army came and did their best. They tried as hard as they could to save all the children.

And while they may have saved a lucky number, there is an infinite amount of traumatic memories that they now have.


My request to anyone who is reading this is to please understand that Terrorism is not a country nor is it a religion. It is an act of terror that can be committed by anyone. Against anyone. Pakistan is a Muslim country, we have our own resources, we are a developing country, but that doesn't mean that you should forget that we are all, at the end of the day, humans.

Also; we have nuclear powerplants so; you piss me off, and I'll nuke you.

Edit : 05/02/2015

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