#5 - Ramadan is Here!

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#5 : Ramadan's Here!

Hey all, it's been a while, huh? I was just busy applying for my A Levels at a couple colleges and such.

It kept me busy-ish because I had to get all the reports together, from the past three years, all my certificates, my pictures, my photocopies, I had to get everything in order and I did, and my interview went good, but it all just depends on my O Levels results.

I gave six subjects this year, and the results come out on the the twelfth of August. PRAY FOR ME PLEASE. I BEG.

Anywhoo, apart from all that, Ramadan started last week, so


Hope the fasts are going well; here in Karachi they are really good, sort of, because the past couple days it rained lightly, drizzling and the sky was covered with clouds and it was an overall beautiful few days.

The days are always warm-ish with random cool winds, but the nights. Good God, the nights.

The wind blows SO hard, all the doors in our house SLAM shut.

I got the last book in The Mortal Instruments series, and the entire book I was WTFing Jace and Clary. I don't like them. Like no. I don't.

Anyway, I will be trying something different as well. I try to make these rants a little long-ish, but sort of just quick reads at the same time. I think of the YouTube videos I watch when I write all this crap down, so, as they are all more often than not just about three to five minutes long, that's how long I attempt to make these rants.

Right, new things. I am going to try and interview and give reviews of some of my favourite books on Wattpad and their authors; because that seems fun. These are entirely up to me, and I will try to post a rant, review or interview every Sunday. Or someday or the other. LETS JUST AGREE ON ONCE A WEEK, YES?

Stay safe,

Huda. xx


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