The Ramblings Of A Pakistani Insouciant.

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#1 : Pakistan. Fecking. Won. Oh, and HI!

This is my first post on this new blog thing I'm making. Mostly, just all the stuff I think out, I shall be typing out. Who knows? Maybe I could make a fortune out of it.

Anyways. The timing for posting this first..entry(?) is PERFECT.


Because I'm perfect, that's why.

Lolno, kidding.

Its because


You might think I'm over reacting to this, but I can promise you, that I'm not. I'm actually quite calm compared to my fellow Pakistanis.

There are fireworks going off, parties being held, Pepsi being opened. It's ALL happening. And here I sit typing and aggressively munching on a Kit-Kat. I'm not too far behind, then, I guess.

The Pakistani Cricket team has earned itself ALOT of criticism, but as soon as it plays well; all of us pretty much push each other out of the way and step.on everything and anything on our mad rush in scrambling over to the sofas infront of the television.

Thats just who we are though. We can find a reason to celebrate anything. Because its the little things that count and we do count them.

Not all of us, obviously, but most of us definitely.

And thats all the typing my fingers can take for now. I need to Tumblr as well later. Need my fingers (thumbs) for that too!

Hope someone reads this.



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