#2 - The Average (Pakistani) Girl.

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#2 : The Average (Pakistani) Girl.

A lot of you might not know this, but the morals and ethics of Pakistani girls compared to females from other parts of the world are very different.

We prefer to cover our bodies instead of show them off. The most skin a girl, here, shows, will be her arms, and maybe her calves.

And those aren't even the normal ones!

Those girls are part of the species that I like to call wanna-be blondes. Or fake whites. Either works for me.

These are the girls who think that, just because they've vacationed in Dubai or visited Europe or the American continent, they're the shit.

Spoiler Alert.

They are not.

Those girls annoy me SO much, its not even funny.

And I have about ten of those type of females in my CLASS.

Lucky, huh?

We Pakis have alot of culture and tradition and morals and ethics and EVERYTHING ingrained into us from pretty much before we could talk and the only thing coming out of our mouths were spit bubbles.

The normal Pakistani girl? The one who won't get looked at weird?

She wears modest clothes (i.e. Shalwar Kameez (I'll put up a picture later) or even jeans and a long t-shirt and loose fitting shirts.)

She doesn't have a boyfriend. She has friends who are boys.

She doesn't swear incessantly.

She knows that respect is earned.

She knows that she has to get married one day, and that she needs to study hard to make a career for herself.

An ordinary Pakistani girl, nowadays is badass, is smarter than you would ever believe, and she can cook and sew and clean better than any other nationality could.

If you ever want to know what a multi-tasking girl looks like, you just need to look at a sane Pakistani female, and you'll understand.

She has to speak louder than anyone else to make her voice heard. She has more expectations on her shoulders than any boy could even think of having.

And throughout all this, she has to deal with her mother-trucking period. And not be able to complain about it, because it's considered a taboo subject. So, even if you feel like there are a thousand knives plunging nto your stomach, if your dad wants to go out for dinner. you go without a complaint, or else you get the death eyes from your mum.

Our lives are harder than you can imagine.

Oh the problems of living in a third world country. Le sigh.



If you made it to the end, I would just like to say I have NO idea why I thought I could generalise about 2 million girls into one standard that I myself do not follow????? I was an idiot, it's just that simple. It's been 6 years, please don't come at me, I was literally a baby back then who thought she was relevant for some reason. Idek.

-8th August 2020

The Ramblings Of A Pakistani Insouciant.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें