Payment for his sins

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' = Thinking
" = Speaking

WARNING ⚠️- ((in advance I'm sorry for the no paragraphing I didn't paragraph for the first few chapters and it's horrible! I do start to paragraph a little later on though... I would go back and paragraph it all...  but I really can't be bothered to. Also the grammar and spellings is probably pretty bad ;-;))

Lucy's POV

My family was perfect, well at least to the public it was. My father was abusive and obsessed with gambling and alcohol, but it wasn't always like that. When I was a infant both my parents were kind hearted loving people until my mother died when I was 13. Since then my father neglected me and to top it all off ... he sold me to be a slave... This is how it all happened.

I woke up to the sound of silence and got out of bed, the cold floor came into contact with the bottoms of my feet, making me shiver  'I guess dad passed out at the pub again' I thought.

I was about to go into my bathroom to freshen up when I heard a loud knocking coming from downstairs. 'Someone's... At the door?' I quietly tiptoed about of my bedroom, across the hallway and down the stairs.

'Should I?' I slowly walked towards the door and grabbed the handle, but just as I was about to open it some one banged harshly on the other side making me jump.
"H-hello?" I quietly asked, opening the door wide. I was confronted by a man wearing a black suit. He was very intimidating and had a wide chest and broad shoulders,  resembling a body builder.
"Miss Heartfilia?" The man said in a cold gruff tone.
"Yes" I answered shyly, speaking to another human-being was making me nervous, especially to a male one.
"You need to come with me" He told me.
"W-what?" I asked confusedly.
"You need to come with me" The man repeated.
"Why?" I questioned, taking a small step back. Suddenly he reached out and grabbed my wrist pulling me closer to him.
"Eep!" I shrieked at the sudden harsh movement.
"Now listed here missy don't play dumb with me" He said aggressively. "W-why are you d-"
"No more fucking questions!" He yelled, interrupting me. My eyes began to fill with tears. 'Who is this man? And why is he doing this to me?' He jerked me out from the house and began to pull me in the direction of a black van.

"Wait, stop!" I pleaded, his grip became tighter and my wrist began to sting. "Stop! Your hurting me! Why are you-"

It felt like the world around me slowed down as I made the realisation. 'It was him, he must have lost everything and I was his last chip. I was the payment for his sins'
The next thing I knew I was in the back of a van having my wrists tied together and my mouth duck taped.

I couldn't do anything, it was all out of my control. I had already been sold and there was no way of getting out of it, but of cause I didn't know that then so I tried to fight my fate.
"Hwlp ne!" I cried out, my words only to be heavily muffled by the tape bounding my lips together.
I tried to stand up but fell at the bumpiness of the ride.
Rolling around on the floor I kicked the side of the van in hope I would do some damage to it. 'Not even a scratch. Where are they taking me? What are they gonna do with me? Did dad loose the house too? Is my wrist broken?, I think my wrist is broken!'
Eventual I passed out due to panic

[A while later]

I was walking in a field, the ground carpeted with luscious green grass. I saw a blossoming cherry tree and the most amazing sunset before me. I smelt firewood and musk. I felt the rough bark of the tree against my finger tips and the grass beneath me my feet. I heard some one calling to me.
"Umm... Excuse me... I-um n-need you to... Well, wake up?" A voice said waking me up from my dream.

"Oh! I am truly sorry I shouldn't have woken you, you looked... Well... v-very peaceful" The pinkette before me stuttered nervously.

I looked at her in confusion.

"Yes! Sorry, so sorry! I-I should introduce my self! I am Aries and am hear to bathe, clothe and make you look presentable for the buyers."
She told me.
"L-Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia" I introduced myself, studying her closely as we gently shook hands.
She had pink curly hair, beautiful porcelain skin and was wearing a rather reviling outfit that looked like it was made of wool.

"Hey, what's this about buyers? And where in the hell am I?!" I questioned.

"You are the newest member of Lion Trades, well you won't be here for long th-the buyers love your type. Oh yes, so sorry I did not explain. Lion Trades i-is a company owned by Master Loke, here we buy unwanted women clean them up and sell them on to the highest bidder, t-to be there maid." Aries explained.
"Yes, now I-I am sorry but would you please strip so I may bathe you? Sorry, so sorry!" I looked at her stunned. "Why?" I asked quietly.
"S-so you may become presentable for the buyers" she replied anxiously.
I responded by nodding my head and beginning to peel of my clothing.

After Aries bathed me she left the room we were in and came back with a rack full of what looked like cosplay outfits. 'Wait, is this what I have to-'.

Almost like she was reading my thoughts Aries commented "Yes, one of these will be your attire"
I walked over to the rack of colourful materials.
"Which one is mine?" I asked, running my hand over the shoulder of one of the dresses silky fabric.

'This is wrong, this is so wrong but I feel like I'm playing dress up. I just wish I'll never have to leave this room' Aries took a quick look at the dresses, then pulled out a black and white maid outfit.
"I think this one, standard black and white, it's an original. S-sorry if you do not like it" She told me, placing the dress on a chair next to her.

"No I... Like it" I admitted. She smiled happily.
"W-what's your f-favourite colour? S-sorry for asking!" She asked.
"...Pink" I replied hesitantly. Then she walked out again and came back in with a draw full of- 'Lingerie! Seriously?'.
Aries placed the box down and started rummaging through it.
"Umm th-this one should fit you" She said, holding out a pink lacy bra.
I took it from her hands blushing.
"I-is this really necessary?" I asked embarrassed.
"Oh don't worry I took your measurements before you woke, so I know your sizes." Aries blushed.
"I am truly sorry!" She added.
"No I mean this" I said pointing to the bra she handed me.
"Y-yes, a maid has to be in top notch c-condition for the buyers. That includes underwear," she told me, 'here" Aries said handing me matching pink lacy panties. I put them on and they fit. "Good now here. Again I am sorry!" She exclaimed, handing me the maid outfit. I put it on, as well as some long black socks and a hair piece.
"L-Lucy you look amazing!" Aries commented, her eyes sparkling.
Then she got out a comb and began to brush through my blonde locks.
"Looks like your doing a great job Aries" A mysterious man said, walking into the room.

\\ Hey guys what do ya think? Im happy with how it turned out so I hope you enjoyed it!//

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