Accidents happen

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" = speaking
' =thinking/quotes

The expression on Wendy's face was one of pure bliss. "Thank you Lulu!" She exclaimed, running towards me and giving me a hard hug. "It's my pleasure  mistress" I laughed happily.

Looking towards the entrance of the garden I saw Natsu leaning against the arch with a smile on his face. "Well you two look like you're having fun" He laughed. "Natsu-nii!" Wendy exclaimed. She ran over to Natsu, taking his hand and pulling him around the small garden to show him the flowers.

I looked at their happy faces and couldn't help but smile my self. 'They really are a happy family...' 

Wendy was running towards me with Natsu in tow. "Luuu-AH!" Wendy shouted, falling over and landing on her rump but Natsu kept stumbling forward still at high speed towards me.

Adrenalin rushed through my body and the fight of flight reaction kicked in. I attempted to jump backwards out of the way but tripped and fell into a bush, right into Natsu's path.
He fell on top of me, pushing us both further into the bush. "Oh! Lulu are you alright?!"

Dazed, I looked around only to see Natsu on top of me. His face buried in my chest.

My breathing became heavier and staggered, a bright red blush appeared on my cheeks and my skin began to crawl.

Quickly, Natsu jumped off of me and bowed a couple of times along with loudly, and quickly, saying a few apologies that all jumbled into one messed up sentence.

In my own embarrassment I couldn't look at him directly so I slowly peaked up at him from my place in the bush. He was blushing. A lush bright pink colour painted his cheeks.

Like me, he also looked very embarrassed, but he was smiling. "That was rather rude of me, my greatest apologies" He chuckled unsurely, scratching the back of his neck as he spoke. "N-no... 'Twas my fault master, please forgive me" I replied, wanting to run and hide, then scrub my skin clean.

He just continued to laugh lightly and extended a hand out towards me before retracting it slowly as he remembered, his laughter disappearing. "Ah, yes... I see" he said, a soft tone in his voice.

The red marks across my skin itched painfully and my ankle was slightly swollen, throbbing with every step I took.

"Well what happened here then" A woman with silk white hair inquired as I walked into the infirmary. You see after our, mine and Natsu's, little 'accident' he had taken me to the 3rd floor of his mansion that housed the infirmary.

"I fell" I answered bluntly. The woman was stunning. Her long white hair cascades down her back like a frozen waterfall, shimmering with the light and swaying to and fro when she walked. Her figure was immaculate too. Perfect size chest, butt and her long legs were clearly visible because of her rather short white skirt.

But I, well I was just a sight for sore eyes. My dress was muddy and stained green, twigs were lodged in my once clean but now rather messy hair. Small scrapes and bruises covers my legs, arms and back. They were only minor but god did they hurt like a bitch.

"Must have been quite a catastrophic fall then" She said smiling. Her teeth were perfect too.

A awful feeling started in my chest. 'What is this?!' I knew what it was, it was stupid to ask myself that. This was jealousy, or me being a 'stupid girl' as my father used to say.
'Wanting others property will never get you what they have. It's material. There's a thousand more like it. Stupid girl.' He used to say, but my father was a giant hypocrite so...

"Yeah, life changing" I replied as sarcastically as possible. The nurse chuckled. "I like you, what's your name?" "Lucy" I answered bluntly "Lucy... Never heard it before, you must be new" she told me. "Yes I arrived yesterday" "Ah new meat, And your single, right?" "Um.. Yeah.." I replied awkwardly.

A small pleased smile appeared on her face. "W-why?" I questioned "Don't worry, I have my reasons" she said turning around to the cupboard behind her and began to get supplies to fix me up.

"And what's your name?" I asked. "Mira-Jane, but you can just call me Mira" she said as she piled everything that was needed onto a metal tray and placed it on the table beside me. "Right now let's have a look at what you've done here"

Around 20 minutes later I was covered in plasters and bandages. "How old are you?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence that bad been surrounding me and the smiling nurse.

"22-" she replied, not looking up from bandaging up my upper leg. "and you?"
"18" I said, biting my lip in pain from the tightness of the bandaging. "Ah so you're the same age as master then" Mira smiled. "I am?" She answered with a slight nod of her head.

I sat there, the hard blue leather of the examining bed sticking to my plastered skin uncomfortably. There was only a few cuts and scrapes left for Mira to treat and I hoped it would be over soon.

I wanted to see Natsu. He had obviously been shielded by me when we fell but he would have still been hurt, even if it was just a scrape.

After the two days I had spent with my new master I had already grown fairly fond of him. He was a male, yes, and that scared me slightly, men could not be trusted and preyed on women to relieve their sexual desire and fantasies, consensual or not. But Natsu was different, he was kind and thoughtful, not wanting to scare me or hurt anyone. Before I knew it I was subconsciously falling for my master.

//Hello! I'm so sorry I haven't updated this in ages I've been really busy and haven't really had time. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! And thank you for 1000 reads!\\

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