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" = Spoken
' = Thought

"Natsu?" I whispered towards the other side of the room.
There was no answer. I carefully got out of bed and walked towards the curtains, opening them and letting the bright light from outside stream in. I caught sight of the garden through the window.
It was very big and, from what I could see, filled with flowers of all colours. It looked rather beautiful.

Then I heard a soft grunt from behind me. Turing around I saw Natsu asleep on a sofa in the corner if the room. 'He looks peaceful... Should I wake him? No, I'll make him some breakfast'

I made my way to the door, trying not to make any noise as I stepped. It took a few minutes but I finally found the kitchen with the help of a few other maids.
"Um excuse me?" I called to another maid who was cleaning the floor.
"Oh, yes"
"what does master usually eat for breakfast?" I asked politely.
"Why Master always has coco pops!" She exclaimed, smiling brightly.
"Coco pops...? They're still a thing?"
"Oh yes they are masters favourite cereal" She answered, still smiling.
"They're in the top right cupboard by they way" she added. "Thank you" I said, reaching up towards the cupboard.

I opened the doors to be greeted by a expensive array of foods that I would have never been able to afford, from cereal to the finest cakes and bread.

'Wow... Natsu really is rich' I grabbed the coco pops and pored them in a bowl that was already on the counter. Then added some milk I got from the fridge.
"Oh I'm Lucy! By the... Way?" I said turning to the maid, only to find she was gone.
'Huh... Strange I could have sworn she was... Uh never mind'.

Grabbing a glass I filled it up with water and placed it next to the bowl.
'Umm it doesn't look right' I thought after several seconds of staring.
'Oh I know!'

I searched around the kitchen for a tray and found one under a pile of plates.
Placing the bowl and glass on the tray I reached towards the table and took a rose from the vase, placing it on Natsu's tray after I cut the stalk off.
I smiled to my self happily at my work and picked the tray up, walking towards the kitchen door.

On my way back to Natsu I passed a door. It was slightly open, unlike all the others, and I, being curious ever since I was a child, took a quick peek inside. Upon doing so I was confronted by a beautiful woman with long Scarlett hair looking in the mirror. She seemed to be doing some poses and I stared intently at the rather strange scene in front of me.

That's when I realised she was in her underwear and quickly continued on my way with a blush on my cheeks.

When I finally reached masters room I entered to find him awake and laying on the sofa just staring at the ceiling.

"Oh good morning, I see you are wake now master" I said looking over to him. He looked up, a slight smile on his lips.
"I made you breakfast" he beckoned me over and I placed the tray on a small table beside him. "Thank you" He said.
There was a short silence as he sat up and began to eat.

"I saw your girlfriend, she's very pretty" I said casually. I heard Nastu chuckle a little. "Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend Luce" He chuckled more.
"Wait, th-then who is that wa-"
"Ah, you mean Lady Erza Scarlett soon to be Lady Erza Fernandes. She is engaged to a Lord by the name of Jellal Fernandes" He smiled. "Oh..." I blushed in embarrassment.
"Don't worry Luce she's my cousin, well more like my sister so I wouldn't date her anyway." He told me, shovelling coco pops into his mouth. I smiled
'His cousin huh? I guess I can see the resemblance. They must have a great relationship'

My smile faded.
"Hey Luce you alright" Natsu asked worriedly. I paused "I-I had a sister but..." The expression on Natsu's face saddened and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Lucy?" I looked at him hesitantly but continued. "She went missing one day and my father slowly forgot about her" I said my eyes beginning to water. "What a coincidence my father went missing" He told me, a pained expression on his face. "His name was Igneel" "Michelle" I replied. "Natsu? May I ask where your friend Gray went off to yesterday?" I asked as he finished his coco pops. "Oh him, my driver would have taken him home" Natsu frowned. 'I-Is he angry at Gray for what happened yesterday?' "Natsu I'm not-" "Natsu-nii?" A light feminine voice whispered. 'Natsu-nii?!' Then the door opened slightly and a young girl peered in at us. "Wendy! You're back!" Natsu exclaimed excitedly as he jumped up and embraced the girl named Wendy. "I've missed you so much! How is uncle Gildarts?" "He's good, he let me go down the the creek at the end of his mansions grounds!" She told him. Natsu turned to face me. "Luce, this is my sister Wendy. Wendy, this is Lucy my new maid." "It's a pleasure to meet you mistress" I said, bowing slightly. Wendy stared at me for a while, her eyes twinkling, before saying "Natsu-nii she's very beautiful" A light blush spread across my cheeks. "Thank you mistress but I am nowhere near as beautiful as you" She giggled cutely. I glanced over at Natsu for a second to see a light smile on his face, like one a proud dad would wear. "Lulu lets go! I'm going to show you something!" Wendy exclaimed excitedly. 'Lulu...' I blushed a little. "Yes of cause mistress" She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room quickly. We went through several corridors and downs some stairs until I realised where we were heading. Still holding my hand, Wendy pulled me out the back door and into the huge garden. The air was fresh and the sun was shining. It was beautiful, flowers of all colours, freshly cut grass and blue Skies. "We're nearly there Lulu!" She exclaimed, still guiding me by the hand. We went past many species of flowers tulips, roses and some very exotic ones also. Soon Wendy began to slow down as we came to an arch near the back of the gardens. Letting go of my hand, she proceeded to enter through it into what looked like a area with more flowers surrounded by a trimmed hedge. "Are you coming Lulu?" She said turning to smile at me. "Oh, yes of cause!" I exclaimed over happily as I hadn't really been paying attention. "Come on then!" She grinned. I stepped through the arch and into the beautiful cornered off section of the garden. "Pretty aren't they" Wendy said, seeing me looking intently at the flowers around me. "Yes, very much so mistress" I said in wonder. "They were my mums favourites" My intention was ripped of of the flowers and was now focusing of something more important. The 'were' that Wendy just said and her facial expression. It was not sad nor happy she looked like she needed someone, no, longed for someone. Putting all the puzzle pieces together I figured it out, Wendy's mother was indeed dead. It was all confirmed when I looked over to the centre of the small garden. A head stone. But not one of those boring old moss covered ones, this one ha intricate designed carved deep into the stone. It was easy to see that the patterns had once been colourful but the paint seemed to have faded away.
Wendy looked over at me and smiled. "This place is very special to me and Natsu-nii... It is where our mother is buried and where her peaceful spirit dwells... Would you please... look after it for us?" For a moment I forgot I was only talking to a child. The way she spoke, it was so mature and loving. I smiled.

"Of course!"

//Yo tis me, no I am not dead. Hope you're enjoying the book so far, please tell me if you want me to add anything or make anything happen. Please I need ideas! There's a spelling mistake somewhere in this chapter but I can't be bothered to change it right now. Anyway bai\\

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