For Real?

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" = Spoken
' = Thought

Lucy's POV

Natsu walked over to a cupboard and opened it up. He pulled out a large light green blanket and slowly walked back over to me. I could tell he was trying to be cautious and not frighten me again. "Here" Natsu said holding the blanket out to me. I just stared up at him and he smiled. Then he walked closer, blanket in hand and took it by both corners, covering me with it. It was very warm and smelt really nice, something familiar but I just couldn't pin point it. "Thank you" I whispered. Natsu just smiled and nodded. "A-are you for real?" I asked as he sat down beside me. "Oh, was I not allowed to sit here?" He looked concerned. "No,no I-it's just your so kind to me" I told him. I heard a chuckle coming from the pinkette beside me. "Of cause I'm for real, I couldn't not be nice to you! You're the first maid that I've ever found, in Loke's business anyway, that isn't a absolute slut" He admitted. "Really?" "Yeah" Natsu replied smiling. "But how do you know I'm not a slut?" I asked. "Well it's pretty obvious the look in your eyes is full of kindness not lust, you chose the least showy outfit to wear" He told me, looking me straight in the eye. "Oh and um your fear" He added hesitantly. "Right..." What followed next was a silence that filled the entire room until "It's not that I hate men I just... they're scary" I whispered, trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall. "Yeah I know" Natsu smiled, looking over at me. "Otherwise I wouldn't be able to sit next to you like this" My face paled at the thought of it, sitting this close to a man 'I-I- everything is f-fine... N-nothings going t-to happen' Natsu looked at me closely. "I know I'm scaring you so I'll go if you want me too" He said kindly. "N-no you can stay" I smiled, closing my eyes. I think Natsu did the same because a few minutes later I could hear snoring. I began to feel sleepy and leaned my head to the left, looking for something to rest it on. Then the side of my head came into contact with something, something softish and comfy. Fear erupted throughout my body as I realised what it was, Natsu's shoulder. My body wanted to jump back and go hide but I couldn't, no, my mind didn't want to because it felt comforting, warm and so relaxing. My eyes began to get sleepy and eventually closed as I drifted off into dream world.

Natsu's POV

I guess I fell asleep because I opened my eyes to darkness. I could feel something flat, cold and hard pressed against my back and a slight weight on my chest and over my leg. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my phone and turned on the torch. I shone it around the room to try and see where I was. 'Right, I fell asleep on the floor with Lucy...' Carefully I shone my light over my body to see Lucy fast asleep, her head on my chest, hands lightly gripping at my shirt and our legs intertwined. A furious blush spread across my face as i looked at the sleeping blonde. She was lightly breathing and twitching a little, her fingers, at moments, would tighten their grip on my shirt and then relax. 'Is she having a-a nightmare?' Then she let out a grunt and her facial expression became very much distressed and upset. "I-nnnu" She mumbled. "It's ok, it's just a dream" I whispered, stroking her hair gently. Lucy's face became a little more relaxed as I did this and she let out a soft moan of pleasure, making me blush. I studied her face for a few minutes, my eyes not wanting to look away from the girl on top of me. She had a perfect petite nose, wonderful creamy skin and plump pink lips. 'Wow I really picked out a beauty' I smiled, still fixated on her features. Laying my head back against the floor I let out a long sigh. 'I haven't had a rest like this in a while... It's nice' "N...nya~ nats-nya~ uuu" I heard from on top of me. 'A nightmare again? No, she's relaxed and... blushing?! And meowing!" I lifted my head and took a peak at Lucy's face, it was peaceful and she had stopped meowing but she still had a faint blush on her cheeks. 'Should I wake her? I am getting a little uncomfortable' My shoulder blades were digging into the floor slightly and my back ached. "Hey Luc-" I stopped myself. 'Shit, if I wake her up she'll have a heart attack or something' I put my hand around Lucy's waist and sat up slowly, making sure not to wake her up. "Ngh" I hesitated. Luckily she didn't wake up, I carefully rolled her off of me and got up. Then I crouched down, picked her up off of the floor and placed her on my bed with ease. The way her hair spread out above her head gave her the appearance of an angel, so angelic and beautiful but meek and fragile all at the same time. 'What am I thinking? She's just my maid....' I trudged over to the couch in the corner of the room. Falling down onto it I let out a long sigh. 'I've been kicked out of my bed by a maid!' My eyes began to close and sleep overtook me.

Lucy's POV (Next morning)

I could feel something soft beneath me so I snuggled closer to it. Slowly I opened my eyes and looked around. It was dark but a small stream of light made its way through a opening in the curtains. 'Oh... Right I'm with Natsu... Yeah, where is Na..tsu anyway...?' I raised my head sleepily and yawned, then I saw something move from the corner of my eye. I turned my head towards the movement but couldn't see much as it was dark. Sitting up slowly I stretched. 'What? I'm on a bed? Natsu's bed?'

//(Thought the media up there was really kawaii!) Hey minna so sorry I haven't updated in ages... I don't really have an excuse why I haven't though.\\

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