Catch me if you can

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" = speech
' = thought

"Lu-chan! Lu-chan! Are you alright?"
Wendy worried, running towards me and embracing me in a long hug.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me"
I chuckled softly, looking around to see if my pink haired master was nearby but to my dismay he was no where to be seen.

"Hey Wendy, where's your brother?"
I asked, a slight tinge of worry in my voice.
"Oh, Onii-chan went out"
She replied.

'Went out? Why wouldn't he tell me? .... Well I am just a maid after all, it's none of my business ... So.. Why do I feel lonely, Wendy's here! I shouldn't be feeling lonely, but yet... '

"I see..."
My voice trailing off.
"How about we do something fun?"
I suggested, fake excitement entangled in my voice. Thought I did enjoy spending time with Wendy I would much rather be with Natsu.

"Yeh! That sounds awesome Lulu! What are we gonna do?" She asked eagerly.

"How about a game of... Tag!' I exclaimed, slowly stalking closer to her.

A bright grin lit up her face as she turned and sprinted away from me calling behind her "You can't catch me~!"

Giggles echoed throughout the big house as I chased Wendy up and down staircases, in and out of corridors and through long never ending halls.

"Catch me if you can~!" She laughed, her voice becoming far away.

"Wendy?" I called, the Blunette out of sight. "Wendy? Where are you?" I called again beginning to worry.

I had just been chasing her through another hallway when I quickly bent down to pull up my sock but when I looked back up she was gone!

Terrible scenarios played through my mind. She had fallen over the staircase banister, hit her head and fallen unconscious, gotten lost or was even dead!

Panic began to set in and I called her name frantically, stress obvious in my voice. But I was left with no reply.

There were 27 rooms on this floor that she could have hidden in, 2 were Natsu's 'confidential' rooms so they were ruled out but that left 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms 2 studies, a library, the cooks quarters (which consisted of 5 rooms), a maids supply closet, a laundry room, a musical room and a small reserved hall for meetings.

I decided to check the bedrooms first but after searching 5 to find no Wendy I was feeling rather discouraged.

"Wendy?" I called quietly, making my way into the last bedroom. There was a light humming sound, faint but just loud enough to be heard. "Mistress Wendy is that you?" I asked hopefully. No reply.

Through the darkness I could just make out a strange black lump laying end of the bed, Its side slowly moving up and down.

Cautiously I approached the bed, stepping lightly not to make a noise.

From where I was now standing I could see dark locks of hair spread out across the bed, it was obvious this was Wendy.

I grabbed a blanket in relief and covered her body so that she didn't get cold and carefully placed a pillow under her head.

She looked so peaceful and happy. I smiled.

"Seems you've done an amazing job, Luce"

//sorry it was rather short I'll try to make the next update sooner and longer!\\


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