Meet the family

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Yessss it is that awesome time I promised everyone! I've finally finished my hiatus~~~
Hope you all enjoy his chapter!
(Also ima go back to past chapters and fix the paragraphing, grammar, spelling and make it make a lot more senseee)

After our introductions the two sat down, Natsu on one side of the table and Erza on the other.
A seat left empty for - when I assumed - Jellal arrived.

"Luce? Aren't you gonna sit?" Natsu asked.
"I am just a maid, Master. I have no place dining with you." I replied timidly, slight confusion in my voice.
I was a maid after all but Natsu seemed to be treating me like a guest or his friend.
'How absurd...' I thought. 'What is our relationship exactly? Maid and master? Friends?'

"What do you mean Luce?" He chuckled.
I was even more confused now.
"Please just sit! You might be a maid but that doesn't mean you can't eat with us!"
"Yes, please sit" A deep but feminine voice came from across the table.

I pulled out the dark hard wood chair from under the table and sat.
Natsu grinned at me, he had 'pleased' plastered all over his face.

I turned to the pink haired man next to me, not sure of what to say.
I was interrupted by the two large wooden doors at the end of the hall being flung open.
A man with blue hair and an awfully strange tattoo on one side of his face entered, hands on his hips and a smug smile on his face.

I could faintly hear sniggering from bedside me before Natsu burst out laughing.
"Pfffft! Jellal you look like an idiot!"
He laughed, stifling his next bout of 'manly' giggles upon seeing Erza's demon like glare from across the table.

"Shut up you twerp." Erza hissed through gritted teeth.

I was shocked. The red heads beautiful and angelic aura had been shed away, revealing a cold blooded hound, but everyone's got two sides, right?

Natsu sunk back in his seat, pouting and obviously unwilling to make any 'funny' retorts.
"Hello to you too, Natsu."
Jellal chuckled, the corners of his mouth turning up into a content smile.

Maids hurried in, taking the blue haired mans coat and offering him pleasantries such as "How has your day been sir." and "Hello sir, you're looking good today."

"Jellal" Erza smiled, now back to being angelic and sweet.
Jellal walked over, embracing the red head and kissed her.
Erza smiled into the kiss pushing her body against Jellal's.
I heard a disgusted grunt from Natsu and turned to see him covering his eyes, like a child who didn't want to see a kissing scene in a movie.
I laughed out loud at him and smiled. 'How cute' I thought.

Once Jellal was seated our first course meal was brought out.
An array of colourful foods surrounded me, various dishes included exotic fruits and meats of all kinds.
It was truly amazing.

Though I was having an amazing time I couldn't help but notice the dirty looks other maids and butlers were shooting my way. The jealousy was radiating off of them.
I think Natsu realised how uncomfortable it made me because he flashed me a toothy grin, calming my nerves a little.

"So, Lucy," Jella started, taking a sip of the wine in front of him, "what made you want to apply to be Natsu personal maid?"

I froze, unsure how to reply, and began to stutter.
"I- uh... was- I mean...-"
"She needed a place to stay and money for her family, she's also very pretty so I decided she was right for the job!"
Natsu butted in, saving my ass.
A light blush sprinkled my cheeks.

"For your family?" He enquired.
"Ah- yes, my little sister Michelle needs money for collage so I thought I'd try to help her save up!"
I smiled, relieved, and Jellal smiled back.
"Oh! And my dad, he's working a full time job while looking after my sister and I, he's amazing."

I took a bite of the lamb dish on my plate happily and continued to speak, it was absolutely marvellous. The flavours danced along my tongue. 'Just the right amount of spice.' I thought.

"And your mother?" Erza asked with interest.
All fell silent. I didn't answer.
"Ah- sorry it's- I don't mean to seem rude but I should be getting to work. Please may I be excused?"
I looked around the table at the three people in front of me.
"Of course" Erza replied shortly after, concern flashing across her face.

Pushing out my chair I bowed slightly, muttering a light 'thank you for the food' as I left the room.

I couldn't bare to look back at Natsu, though I could feel his eyes on my back. I knew I looked upset and felt as if Natsu would be disappointed in me if he were to see.

It was a strange feeling... but it almost felt as if I wanted to please him, but
I decided against this, not wanting except that I had possibly already become emotionally attached to someone I had only met the day before.

Hope you enjoyed thatttttttt.
Also thank u so much for 15k+ reads!!! Holy Mary had a little lamb it's an insane amount of people, thanks for the support my fellow weebs ♡

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