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Time skip to Morning
Chloe's P.O.V
Iwoke up to my alarm clock beeping. I reached my hand over to my desk and shut my alarm clock off. I took the covers off me and jumped outa bed. I got changed into my Uniform and dashed downstairs. I grabbed a slice of toast and headed out the door.

"Bye Mum! See you after class!" I said.
"See you Chloe!"
I raced down the neiboury and ran down the street. But I stopped because I heard something. A quiet whisper. But I shrugged it away. I entered the School gates and went over to Lily, Kelsey and April.

Emily's P.O.V
I went to the gates and saw my friends. I stopped running and walked up to my friends, that were  waiting there.
"Hey girls!" I  said. They all looked at me.
"Emily! You're here!" Lily said as she ran up to me to hug me. I hugged back. We all laughed.
"How was your sleep Lils?" I asked her. She looked up to me.
"Great Em. How about you?" She asked back.
"Me too! How about you three?" I said.
"It felt good to be in my bed!" Kelsey said proudly.
"Mine was. Okay I guess. You know, the kids were there so they hugged me all night." April sighed.
"At least you're up and ready for today." Chloe said.
"Yeah... How about you Chloe. How was your night?"
"It was a tad bit. Weird." Chloe said.

Chloe's P.O.V
"Why's that?" Kelsey asked. I bit my bottom lip.
"Well, I was hearing things all night. The floorboards were creaking. And I thought I saw a shadow like figure." I said. "And even when I was walking down the street to school, I was hearing whispering saying my name?"
They all looked at me stunned.
"Seriously Chloe?" April said and crossed her arms. I sighed.
"Maybe your were thinking about our battle a bit too much." Kelsey said. I nodded my head but still was unsure.
"Come om girls, let's head to class." Lily said. We all nodded. I followed on but then stopped, "You girls go ahead. I gotta clear my mind a bit." I said.
"Alright. Don't be too long though." Emily said. I laughed and nodded. I walked over to a near bench and sat down. I rested my chin in the palm of my hand. I let out a sigh.
Was I really hearing things? Was it just a dream? Or was it real? It can't be real because I just got into bed. And I was definitely awake when I was walking down the street. Cause is it was a dream, i wouldn't  be talking to myself. Maybe Kelsey's right. Maybe I was thinking a bit too much abou--
My thoughts were cut off by whispering. I got up. "Who's there?" I said in a worried tone. I repeated myself, "Who's there?!"
I heard a bush rustle. I turned around and walked over to the bush. I looked at it, but it stopped rustling. I shook my head side to side.
I turned around and was about to walk to the entrance of the school building. But as I was about to step up the first step, I felt myself get knocked out. Before I was fully blacked out, I heard someone say,
I have you now Deary...

(Author's Note)
I got bored ok?! I wated to upload a second one. Maybe later on I'll upload a third! XD
But enjoy this. I hope you're liking this. There's an art I drew of them both.

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