Time To Add A Touch Of Darkness

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Rascal's P.O.V
My eyes opened slightly. I looked around me. I felt something under my arm. I looked down and smiled. It was Chloe. I shook her slightly.
"Time to wake up, my Beauty." I said. She fluttered her eyes and yawned.
"M-Morning Raskey." She said. I chuckled slightly. Did she just give me a nickname? But it went away.
"Remember? Makeover today?" I reminded her.
"Oh yeah." She sighed, "Well, let's go and add some dark touches to me." I smiled at her, and got up. I offered her my hand to get up, she accecpted and got up.
"Thank You Raskey." She said.
"Anytime you need it Beauty." I kissed her cheek. We got out the room together, hand-in-hand and made our way to the main room of the Shadow Realm. We entered and I saw Brooha mixing up potions for lots of things. She's perfect for a Makeover. I let go of Chloe's hand and made my way over to Brooha, who had no idea that I was present. I tapped her sholder. She turned around to face me.
"Oh! Morning you Lovebirds. How have you been?" She asked.
"Great!" We both said. Chloe made her way next to me and caught my hand.
"So. Why are you here?"
"We were wondering if you could give Chloe a bit of a Makeover. You know, to add some Dark touches to her."
Brooha stood up and brought her finger to her face,
"Yeah, I see what you mean. I can get started now if you'd like Rascal?"
"Yeah sure, is that fine Chloe?"
"Yeah." She said. I kissed her once more on the cheek and left Brooha with Chloe.

Brooha's P.O.V
I was alone with the girl again. I made my way over to a chair, I patted the chair meaning for her to sit on it. She came over and sat down. I waved my hand and a brush appeared. I started to brush her hair.
"So, before we begin all the girl chat," I started to say, "You're name is Chloe?"
"Yes, it's Chloe. Or Glitter Breeze for when we're battling you four..."
I smiled. "Lovely name. Mine is Brooha. And later on we can change your battle name. Any ideas, Chloe?"
"Hmm, well. Rascal calls me Beauty so, probably something like that?"
"Ok, I will think of something." I continued to brush her hair and stopped. I waved my hands and the brush disappeared. I started to do her hair. I've done the same Hairstyle as her Glitter Force self, but I made the hair much longer and a dark blue.
"Is that okay?" I asked.
"Yes! I love it!" She cheered. I smiled.
"Come along Dear, let's choose and outfit for you." I said, she followed me, "Have anything you want on it?"
"Well, obviously a dark colour so probably black and dark blue." She tried explaining.
"Alright, I'll try my best." I had to use my imagination again. I was waving my hands up and down tracing the outfit out. After five minutes it was done. I'm actually very proud of myself.
"How does that look?"

Chloe's P.O.V
I looked at the new outfit I was going to wear.
"I LOVE IT! Thank you Brooha!" And without myself knowing, I hugged her. She looked kind of shocked but managed to hug back.
"It's alright. Okay Chloe, go over there and try it on." She said as she made a changing booth appear. I went over to where it was and went in. I got my old clothes off and put the new one on. It acually looked amazing. It was like a gymnastic suite. At the hip there was a long wavey dark blue bit, same where my breast and my sholders were but the wavey part was shorter. Along the side of the suite, there were bits of dark blue on the sides. My sleeves coveres my hands only leaving the fingers seen and the sleeves had a dress like end to it. I sup around looking into the mirror. The bent down and got on my shoes. They were heel boots. I put them on. They were high but I can manage. I walked out of the changing booth and made my way over to Brooha.
"Okay, I'm back!" I said. She turned around and looked stunned.
"Perfect fit! I'm glad you like it Dear." She said, making her way to me.
"Yep!" I said.
"Right, time for the Makeup!" She cheered. She waved her hands around and made a stool, where I sat down, and a Makeup stand. She walked over.
"Alright, so is it okay if I improvise a bit here?" She asked.
"Yeah." I permitted her.
She started to get one of the eye shadow brushes and dabbed it in a shade of dark blue. She took my face and started to do my eye shadow. She was doing cat eyes for my style. After two minutes, she finished. I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror. She put that brush down and began to put blush onto my face. The blush was a shade of light red. Then she got one of her nail polish and painted onto my nails. The nail polish was a dark shade of blue that had slight glitter bits on it. Then finally she got an accessorie to put onto my head. It was like my little crown that I had when I was a Glitters, but it had a blue jem that had small bat wings out on each side.
"And done! You look perfect Chloe!" She said with success.
"I look gorgeous. Thank you so much Brooha!" I said, hugging her again. She lightly laughed and hugged back,
"You're like a daughter to me Chloe. Anytime you need another Makeover, you know who to go to."
"But how about my name."
"I've thought of that. You're name, you said you wanted something like, Beauty right?"
"So how about, Bad End Beauty?"
"Oh Gosh! That's amazing!"
"Yep! Girls can get along so well. You'll be helping us fight now. Here's you're Bad End book." Handing it to me. I nodded my head. The next thing we knew, me and Brooha would become the best of friends.

(Author's Note)
Right, there. On the top the picture is what Chloe looks like. And if you've seen
Smile Precure,
You'll know what I mean. Her name is Bad End Beauty there so why not add it here?

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